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Signature Set Gallery: ddr70s nationals from towns with a biblical name

Signature Set Details:

US $5 US $5 1929 Ty. 1
CertNum 8039161-005 Front
CertNum 8039161-005 Back
CertNum 5014609-003 Front
CertNum 5014609-003 Back
Owner's Description:
Salem, NJ The City NB & TC (2d title) Ch. # 3922 $5 1902 PB Fr. 600 PMG 25 SN 5678 pp D/1481
Owner's Description:
Salem, NY The People's NB Ch. # 3245 PMG 10 $5 1929 Ty 1 SN C000140A pp C16/89. From a scarce and seldom offered Washington County bank that fell to the receiver in 1931, this well circulated but intact example is one of only five small size in the census. Salem was first settled in 1761 by Joshua Conkey and James Turner who as soldiers in the French and Indian War, passed through the territory. In 1764, Alexander and James Turner acquired a patent which was soon divided up between the New Engla...
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US $20 1902 Plain BackUS $5 1902 Red Seal
CertNum 1513580-001 Front
CertNum 1513580-001 Back
CertNum 5012054-011 Front
CertNum 5012054-011 Back
Owner's Description:
Salem, OH The First NB Ch. # (M)43 Fr. 650 Lyons | Roberts SN 5227/V967961B pp A/315 PMG 30EPQ beautiful signatures by Cashier W.F. Church and Pres. F.R. Pow dated Apr 11, 1902. Much more common with Speelman | White signatures as a plain back. The back plates for Fr. 650 notes are 315 (this note) and 325 (my SN 5226 example). Notes from this bank dated Apr 10, 1922 carry the Speelman | White signatures and $20s have known back plate numbers of 722 and 1018 (see below) Fr. 661 SN 1481/Y322...
Owner's Description:
Salem, MA The Asiatic NB Ch. # (N)634 PMG 12 $5 1902 Red Seal Fr. 587 SN 5952/N483545 pp C
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US $10 1929 Ty. 1
CertNum 5011579-009 Front
CertNum 5011579-009 Back
Owner's Description:
Sharon, PA The First NB Ch. # 1685 PMG 25 $10 1929 Ty. 1 Error Inverted Back. From the Richard Merlau Collection of Small Size Inverted Back Errors.
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