The PMG Note Registry

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Best Sets in Scotland

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RankOwnerSet TypeSet NameScore%Last ModifiedScore ChangeView Count
pmg_achievement Achievement Winner
Alan Collection Malaysia Scotland, 1908-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes Alan Scotland Set 2416021%4747 5/14/2023 38 331
Andy HK Scotland, 1908-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes Scotland Banknotes Andy 2367715%00 7/26/2024 1,811 236
kailongbanknote Scotland, 1908-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes scotland 1684413%20 10/4/2021 48 374
baydaqbanknotes Scotland, 1908-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes scotland 1909 - date 1546515%00 11/24/2024 433 76
pmg_achievement Achievement Winner
Harry Collection Scotland, 1908-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes Scotland Notes 140187%56 5/21/2019 118 516
pmg_achievement Achievement Winner
Alan Collection Malaysia Bank Of Scotland, 1929-Date, P86-Date Bank Of Scotland Set 1043034%1616 5/14/2023 1,957 328
SchwarzerEinser Scotland, 1908-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes Scotland (SchwarzerEinser) 1033214%180 12/19/2024 -63 80
Andy HK Bank Of Scotland, 1929-Date, P86-Date Bank of Scotland Andy 996527%00 7/26/2024 1,811 237
pmg_achievement Achievement Winner
Alan Collection Malaysia Clydesdale Bank PLC, 1982-Date, P211-Date Clydesdale Bank PLC Set 759023%1616 10/9/2022 809 200
Andy HK Clydesdale Bank PLC, 1982-Date, P211-Date Clydesdale Bank 753216%00 6/23/2023 670 230
baydaqbanknotes Royal Bank Of Scotland PLC, 1982-Date, P341-Date, Issued Notes Scotland banknotes collection 712750%00 7/18/2024 131 251
pmg_achievement Achievement Winner
Alan Collection Malaysia Commemorative Issues, 1995-Date, Issued Notes Scotland Commemorative Set 618022%1313 6/25/2022 1,603 226
ryanvuong Royal Bank Of Scotland PLC, 1982-Date, P341-Date, Issued Notes Scotland Royal - 15362 569529%00 6/24/2023 342 331
DonAlex93 Scotland, 1908-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes DonAlex93 - Scotland Complete Set 53188%180 5/10/2021 27 287
DonAlex93 Royal Bank Of Scotland PLC, 1982-Date, P341-Date, Issued Notes DonAlex93 - The Royal Bank of Scotland plc 1982-Date 531852%180 5/10/2021 27 400
ryanvuong Bank Of Scotland, 1929-Date, P86-Date Bank of Scotland - 29384 490012%00 1/17/2023 1,740 176
pmg_achievement Achievement Winner
Alan Collection Malaysia Royal Bank Of Scotland PLC, 1982-Date, P341-Date, Issued Notes Royal Bank Of Scotland Set 467332%1111 5/14/2023 48 230
Brufe Scotland, 1908-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes AB's Scotland 42267%00 4/27/2022 269 178
pmg_achievement Achievement Winner
Alan Collection Malaysia Sterling Issues, 1990-Date, P116-Date Scotland 1990-Date Set 411713%55 6/25/2022 2,676 165
baydaqbanknotes Commemorative Issues, 1995-Date, P119-Date, Specimen BB collection Scot 28906%00 7/5/2023 1,117 56
DonAlex93 Commemorative Issues, 1995-Date, Issued Notes DonAlex93 - Scotland Commemorative Issues 1995-Date 264621%120 11/5/2019 2,646 301
Muzzer42 Scotland, 1908-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes Scotland - Complete 26304%03 10/23/2021 201 384
pmg_achievement Achievement Winner
Alan Collection Malaysia Bank Of Scotland, 1990-1994 Sterling Issue, P116-118A, Specimen Alan - Bank Of Scotland, 1990-1994 Sterling Issue, P116-118A, Specimen 250150%22 1/30/2021 1,853 174
pmg_achievement Achievement Winner
Alan Collection Malaysia Commemorative Issues, 1995-Date, P119-Date, Specimen Alan - Bank Of Scotland, 1995-2006 Issue, P119-P123, Specimen 23806%22 1/30/2021 38 177
ryanchuawl Scotland, 1908-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes RC Scotland, 1908-Date, P86-Date, Issued Notes 22281%00 6/1/2022 674 126
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