CGC Registry

The CGC Comic Registry is a free online community where collectors register and display their comics, interact with other collectors, and compete for awards and recognition. Participants can display their CGC-certified comics in pre-defined Competitive Sets, where they�ll receive a point value associated with scarcity, desirability and certified grade.

Set Name
Set Goals
Dikko AUSTRALIAN - FLASH GORDON series Need to collect Flash Gordon (Australian edt'ns) No.s 4 & 5 To Grade and encapsulate the complete Australian Series of Flash Gordon 1950's - 60's series. 6/12/2019
Crushalot Foreign Editions 10/5/2024
Chaz G. Amazing Spider-Man Non Comics Code Sets 11/18/2024 11/18/2024 066
TIMETRAPPER AUSTRALIAN SUPERBOY RUN 1-32 5/29/2023 9/30/2024 13233
Robin Bain X-Men Issue number #40 Hong Kong Edition in the U.K. I would like to find further Hong Kong or other non - Canadian, Australian or United Kingdom price variant editions of X-Men (or other Marvel comics) but I think that is unlikely 9/25/2024 9/26/2024 011
Robin Bain Canadian Price Variants First Appearances in the U.K. I aim to add further comics to the set 9/26/2024 9/26/2024 066
Robin Bain Australian Price Variants in the U.K. I intend to add further comics to the set 9/26/2024 9/26/2024 011
Robin Bain Canadian Price Editions /Price Variants in the U.K. I intend to continue to find and add further comics to add to the various titles that are within the set in order to complete those sub-sets, where possible 9/26/2024 9/26/2024 02626
Dikko AUSTRALIAN - STRANGE ADVENTURES To complete the set of STRANGE ADVENTURES (43 issues only) [Australian Editions]. 9/16/2022 8/22/2024 11616
Dikko AUSTRALIAN - OUTER SPACE, SPACE ADVENTURES & LEGIONS OF SPACE Aim: To complete the sets of : The Legions of Space (uniquely Australian series - 6 issues) and Space Adventures (4 Australian issues). Legion of Space No. 1 and No. 4 to be graded soon. 3/4/2018 8/21/2024 3931010
Dikko AUSTRALIAN - Adventures of CATMAN series - BEST Graded To complete the CATMAN set with the missing original FREW issues #4, 5, 7, 9, 11 See also CATMAN - Lesser Grades for duplicate CATMAN issues See also Super Yank Comics CATMAN - CGC graded. 6/19/2018 7/31/2024 3833030
Dikko AUSTRALIAN - THE RAVEN (Complete Set) The RAVEN set is now COMPLETE with all 10 issues being CGC Graded and Encapsulated. A unique complete set. Printed in 1957 on cheap newsprint paper and B/W inside, not a lot of good copies have survived the past 60+ years. Also acquired a second copy of The RAVEN No. 6 CGC 8.0 1/10/2019 7/31/2024 2601111
CheezeBoi69 Halloween International Editions 7/29/2024 7/29/2024 201
ChristianF Amazing Spider-Man Foreign Comics To acquire as many of the Amazing Spider-Man #238 foreign comics and to have them signed 7/27/2024 7/27/2024 202
CA92972 Superman: Deadly Legacy 7/2/2024 7/3/2024 001
TheLiamSturgess1 Uncanny X-Men #282 6/12/2024 6/12/2024 211
Neville T Howard Australian Prints To land all the significant first appearances published across Horwitz, Yaffa and Newton Comics - pre 1980. 3/26/2024 6/5/2024 51616
TheLiamSturgess1 Amazing Spider-Man #122 5/30/2024 5/30/2024 101
TheLiamSturgess1 2001: A Space Odyssey #1 5/10/2024 5/10/2024 001
TheLiamSturgess1 X-Men #1 5/10/2024 5/10/2024 102
TheLiamSturgess1 Silver Surfer #1 5/10/2024 5/10/2024 001
Lookin4Newsstands International Comics International Comics in 9.8 or above. 1/22/2015 3/21/2024 12941616
Dikko AUSTRALIAN - Super Yank Comics - CATMAN series To Complete the set. This set is Extremely RARE and very difficult to find any copies, let alone quality issues. See also : AUSTRALIAN - The Adventures of CATMAN - Best Graded 6/11/2021 2/19/2024 2022
Dikko AUSTRALIAN - Adventures of CATMAN series - Lesser Grades 7/4/2023 2/17/2024 066
RMI High Tech Daredevil UK Well, simple. Every Daredevil comic published in the U.K! Best grade possible, but not a 9.8 set. 8/22/2023 12/3/2023 244
Dikko AUSTRALIAN - BOOFHEAD, BIGGLES and others To collect more unique Australian comics 10/1/2022 9/29/2023 11010
Dikko AUSTRALIAN - SKIPPY The Bush Kangaroo To complete the set of 12 Australian SKIPPY The Bush Kangaroo comics. #6 is planned for CGC grading in 2024 7/31/2018 9/14/2023 28388
Dikko AUSTRALIAN - BLUE BOLT & JOURNEY INTO UNKNOWN WORLDS To complete each set being CGC Graded. 10/10/2022 9/3/2023 144
NoChance Mystère Inc au Canada To get as many of the French Canadian Gold Key books as possible. 6/28/2023 6/28/2023 103
BelyMedved Korean Editions 1.) to have my Korean edition Jim Lee books signed by Jim Lee in Korean and graded with CGC Signature Series. 2.) to have my Korean edition of X-23 1-shot signed by Alina Urusov with CGC Signature Series. 3.) to have my other Korean editions CGC graded. 4/4/2023 4/11/2023 102
PenguinComics Tomb of Dracula Spanish Editions 1/31/2023 1/31/2023 012
dan shea Foreign Variant set 6/25/2022 8/14/2022 11719
SkillzWeldon Black Girls Rock Graded International Comic Set of Nubia Wonder Woman 12/15/2020 7/7/2022 11346
Dikko RIN TIN TIN - AUSTRALIAN & UK editions To find higher Graded Australian copies 4/15/2017 6/30/2022 4831111
Voodoo Jim El Halcon Negro 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 5702
Comic Books NYC LLC Amazing Fantasy 15 German Edition (Reprint) 12/1/2020 12/1/2020 12001
Chuck4MN Chuck Mad International 10/10/2020 10/10/2020 11111
Chuck4MN Chuck Paquin 10/10/2020 10/10/2020 11311
telerites Non US 4/14/2020 5/12/2020 14799
inviroe5113 International Flash Comics 5/8/2020 5/8/2020 14302
strange-hobby Los Superabios Los Supersabios 1a Edición 2a Edición 3a Edición Números #1, #3, #7, #23. Periódico Novedades (1936-1946) Enero de 1936 La serie inició como tira semanal en: Periódico Novedades, de Publicaciones Herrerías. 18 Enero 1936. Poco después volverse diaria, formato en el que permaneció durante 10 años, hasta 1946. Revista Mujeres y Deportes (1936-1953) Marzo 1936 Dos meses después de su aparición en el periódico Novedades, también comienza a aparecer en: Revista Mujeres y Deportes. Octubre 1936 se crea la sección Chamaco, en la que se reunieron las historietas publicadas de Marzo a Octubre, en esa revista. Octubre 1936 La sección Chamaco se vuelve suplemento y Los Supersabios se empiezan a publicar en color. Octubre de 1936 Mujeres y deportes se convierte en revista el 10 de octubre, donde la historieta se publicaría hasta 1953. Primera edición (1953-1968) 1953 Los Supersabios se estrena con su propia revista, editada por Publicaciones Herrerías. La historieta se publicó hasta el 16 de febrero de 1968. Segunda Edición (1969-1976) De 1969 a 1976 Editorial Joma reimprimió 355 números de Los Supersabios. Tercer Edición (1978-1979) Editorial Posada intentó una nueva reedición en 1978 que duro 26 números. Agosto 2018 Actualmente se publica en tiras cómicas en Milenio Diario. 9/10/2018 9/11/2018 2212222
flikhype Foreign Prints 5/30/2017 5/30/2017 36411
topfconz Sinag To raise funds for the Philippine General Hospital Cancer Institute 5/18/2016 5/19/2016 45911
CoyoteTwelve French Metal 2/23/2016 2/23/2016 36701
DHudgins Mighty World Of Marvel (UK) 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 48611
House of M House of M Collection Sky Between Branches 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 37511
jaom SPANISH & MEXICAN COMICS 4/26/2015 4/29/2015 5342124

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