Comic Description: Avengers vs. X-Men 1
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 1062663004
Owner: kaholo1256


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Yep I got two of them  Score: 26
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Brian Michael Bendis story
John Romita Jr. Pencil’s
Scott Hanna Ink’s
Laura Martin Colorist
Who Ever You Want Cover – But this one has George Perez and Mitch Breitweiser on it.


These I enjoy. They are the blank variants in which we the reader get to choose who creates the cover and what it will look like. Currently there are a total of 185 graded and soon there will be an additional two more on here from me as well. This one had a pretty good story and the others are still currently in CGC Limbo. But for now there are 133 9.8’s with 7 of them being blank…. Wait…. What??? I don’t get that at all. Why grade a blank with no cover on it??? Oh well and 126 9.8 SS with an additional 42 9.6 SS’s with this one included. Hopefully with the other two sent off those will grade at 9.8 and help me a little in the Registry Set.


So this one had a fun story. I was attending the Dallas Comic Con this past May. Prior to going I read the attending list and saw two of my favorite artists. First was the amazing George Perez. As soon as I saw his name I pulled out my old Astonishing Tales #25 with Deathlok and low and behold found out it was his first Marvel Comic.

So with this I knew I wanted something drawn on a blank cover but didn't know quite what yet.

Then I saw one of my favorite cover artists was going to be there as well as his wife. Mitch and Elizabeth Breitweiser. This duo is out to conquer the world. Elizabeth with her art in Winter Soldier and Mitch with what is still to this day one of my favorite covers ever Captain America: Chosen #1. If you haven't seen it you should pick it up for the cover art alone. Its a simple water color of Cap's shield with him lightly placed in the background and I knew I needed to score there respective signatures on a few things to include this favorite of mine.

So I get there and went straight to Mitch's both when I arrive. This is also when I learned that if you want to be on someones list you should always look for them prior to going to a Con. But I get there first in line with both the Chosen in hand as well as this Avengers vs X-Men blank and ask for a Captain America quick and fast. He then apologizes to me right there and says that he's already go a full stock of commissions for this Con and asked what else I brought.

Sadden and distraught I show him my lowly issue of the chosen. I guess this was one of both his and his wife's favorites because as soon as she saw it she looked at me and asked why this one. I told her why and that I had loved the simplistic art and water color of this and after talking about how he actually didn't mean to turn in that art for it and some other stuff his wife asked him for a commission for me.

That was awesomeness all rolled into one. He asked what I wanted and I asked him if he would be ok sharing a cover with someone else here at the Con. As soon as I told him it would be George Perez I had never seen someone so excited about a commission and quickly went to work.

As soon as he finished I was amazed and politely tried to pay when his wife said the conversation was enough for this one. I handed it back to someone to escort for CGC SS and oh shit... She touched the ink and it hadn't dried.

I almost cried and even though he asked if I wanted another I honestly could be selfish of his time. I thanked him and off to George Perez for a lllllllloooooooonnnnnnnngggggggg wait.

In the end this was still a great piece for me. I got to talk to three amazing artists and had a wife stand up for me and request a commission on my behalf. The story alone was worth it to me.

Image #1

Image #2

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