Comic Description:
Daredevil 290 Modern
Page Quality:
Certification #:
Professor Pecora
Owner's Description
Daredevil #290 features the 19th cover appearance of Bullseye!
Overstreet 2023 NM- 9.2 value = $10.
According to the CGC Census Report as of Tuesday, August 22, 2023, out of a total of 49 Universal copies graded, 21 copies were graded in 9.8 with 0 copies graded higher!
With these statistics in mind, this represents a rarity factor of 42.86% of the total population.
Published in March of 1991, Daredevil #290 features one of my favorite Bullseye covers within the Daredevil title!
Rendered by cover artists Kieron Dwyer (penciller) & Fred Fredericks (inker), Bullseye is grabbing Daredevil by his costume with one hand, while raising his clenched fist to clobber “The Man Without Fear” to unconsciousness! Or is it…? You see, until you read the story, this cover can be quite deceiving!
On that note, Bullseye was dressing up as Daredevil to commit crimes and tarnish his name, so Daredevil had to suit up in Bullseye’s costume to negate the situation and defeated him while wearing it!
Therefore, you are viewing a unique Daredevil Vs. Bullseye battle cover in which both characters are depicted in each other’s costumes! As a result, “Daredevil” is actually featured on issue #290 whooping “Bullseye’s” ass!
With that said, Daredevil #290 is an absolute MUST-HAVE for any Daredevil or Bullseye fan and/or collector!
In my opinion, Bullseye is one of the most psychotic and deranged villains ever created by Marvel! As a result, Bullseye’s early cover appearances are some of the most violent, brutal, and entertaining in comics and are HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE!
First 20 Bullseye Cover Appearances:
01. Daredevil #131
02. Daredevil #132
03. Daredevil #141
04. Daredevil #146
05. Daredevil #159 (not in costume)
06. Daredevil #160
07. Daredevil #161
08. Daredevil #169
09. Daredevil #172
10. Daredevil #181
11. Daredevil #197
12. Daredevil #200
13. Captain America #373
14. Captain America #374
15. Captain America #376
16. Captain America #377
17. Daredevil #288
18. Daredevil #289 (in Daredevil’s costume)
19. Daredevil #290 (in Daredevil’s costume)
20. Punisher #102
In closing, I purchased this PERFECTLY WRAPPED & CENTERED copy from podolj (via eBay) in July of 2022! I am super proud to own this immaculate copy and look forward to watching it appreciate each year!
Happy Collecting & Enjoy the Hunt!
-Professor Pecora