CGC Registry

35 Cent Variant Collection

Set Type: Marvel 35 Cent Price Variants (1977)
Last Modified: 4/14/2023
Views: 5201

Rank: 5
Score: 10096
Leading by: 4224
Points to Higher Rank: 885

Set Description:

Most people complete what they can of the 30 cent variants before moving on to the 35 cent variants. The answer as to why is pretty simple:

I would estimate thathat 35 cent variants exist in numbers one tenth or less what seems to exist for 30 cent variants.

Secondly, mostly a function of the scarcity is that 35 cent variant pricing is significantly higher than with 30 cent variants.

I have crazy stories that can be told about both 30 and 35 cent variants, but I'll lead off with two because it goes straight to the problem of high prices.

WIth respect to my 30 cent collection I probably paid an average of about $10 or less for any issue in the collection. Mostly it was just tons of legwork and a little bit of luck.

I shook all the trees right from the start with the 35 cent collection. After a few months I happened upon a guy named mark from Wyoming. I probably bought a book or 2 off EBay. Turns out he had a stack of about 30-40. I drove up top near Wyoming and met him at a coffee shop with a wad of cash in my pocket. I remember he brought his wife as well...for safety? Anyway I paid him roughly $75 a book for the stack, which seemed quite high to me at the time.

Many months later through some odd ball chat boards I met a guy named Greg from Cape Fear. This happened to be an area of 35 cent variant distribution. Greg eventually came to the CGC boards and posted them all for everybody to see.

After a lot of work and a lot of talk I agreed tp ay $10,000 for about 100 books. I sent 5k and crossed my fingers. Next thing you know they show up at my door and are everything I expected. I sent the next 5k and the next batch showed up.

It was a wild couple of buys and covered about 70% of the books I needed.

But as you can gather, I piad about 10 times for these books than what I had paid for my entire 30 cent collection.

My 35 cent story included many important players. Among those filling in the cracks there was Lighthouse, Fred McSurly and CosmicSpiuderman.

There was also a lot of luck.

I remember buying a lot of about 10 Sgt Fury books from a guy in Detroit Michigan, which included the 2 35 cent variants. These two are among the toughest of the bunch. They show up on my door and BINGO, both of the 35 cent variants. I think I got them for about $10.

With the 30 cent variants I used a 10 point scale based on tradability. With the 35 centers I am going to use just a 5 point scale. That is because even a book with a trade rank of 1 is more difficult to find than almost any 30 cent variant.

A 1 is one of the easier to find. A 2 is standard difficulty. 3 is harder to find and a book that can be traded for just about any book in the series, 4 is either very expensive or very hard to find. 5 is a book that is almost impossible to find. This would include the Westerns and maybe 1just a very few more.
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Slot DescriptionCert #GradeScore
2001: A Space Odyssey 7 35 Cent Price Variant 1624872008 7.55 Shop eBay
2001: A Space Odyssey 8 35 Cent Price Variant 0975783001 9.040 Shop eBay
2001: A Space Odyssey 9 35 Cent Price Variant 0975783002 9.6100 Shop eBay
2001: A Space Odyssey 10 35 Cent Price Variant 0975783003 9.020 Shop eBay
Amazing Spider-Man 169 35 Cent Price Variant 1624716011 9.025 Shop eBay
Amazing Spider-Man 170 35 Cent Price Variant 2106900002 9.6127 Shop eBay
Amazing Spider-Man 171 35 Cent Price Variant 2106900004 7.56 Shop eBay
Amazing Spider-Man 172 35 Cent Price Variant 2106900003 7.05 Shop eBay
Amazing Spider-Man 173 35 Cent Price Variant 3732641001 9.025 Shop eBay
Avengers 160 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324022 5.53 Shop eBay
Avengers 161 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325004 9.240 Shop eBay
Avengers 162 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325005 8.520 Shop eBay
Avengers 163 35 Cent Price Variant 0123428002 5.02 Shop eBay
Avengers 164 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325006 6.03 Shop eBay
Black Panther 4 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325007 9.065 Shop eBay
Black Panther 5 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325008 8.545 Shop eBay
Captain America 210 35 Cent Price Variant 0190430017 7.015 Shop eBay
Captain America 211 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325009 9.6300 Shop eBay
Captain America 212 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325010 8.540 Shop eBay
Captain America 213 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325011 9.060 Shop eBay
Captain America 214 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325012 8.025 Shop eBay
Captain Marvel 51 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Captain Marvel 52 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325013 8.510 Shop eBay
Champions 14 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325014 9.030 Shop eBay
Champions 15 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324023 7.06 Shop eBay
Conan the Barbarian 75 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325015 9.230 Shop eBay
Conan the Barbarian 76 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325016 9.020 Shop eBay
Conan the Barbarian 77 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325017 9.020 Shop eBay
Conan the Barbarian 78 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325018 9.230 Shop eBay
Conan the Barbarian 79 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325019 9.230 Shop eBay
Daredevil 146 35 Cent Price Variant 1624872009 5.512 Shop eBay
Daredevil 147 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324024 6.511 Shop eBay
Daredevil 148 35 Cent Price Variant 1624872001 8.547 Shop eBay
Defenders 48 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325020 9.290 Shop eBay
Defenders 49 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325021 9.290 Shop eBay
Defenders 50 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Defenders 51 35 Cent Price Variant 0123428005 7.013 Shop eBay
Defenders 52 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325022 7.515 Shop eBay
Doctor Strange 23 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Doctor Strange 24 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Doctor Strange 25 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325023 7.03 Shop eBay
Eternals 12 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325024 8.510 Shop eBay
Eternals 13 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325025 9.015 Shop eBay
Eternals 14 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325026 7.03 Shop eBay
Eternals 15 35 Cent Price Variant 1624872006 9.440 Shop eBay
Eternals 16 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325027 8.510 Shop eBay
Fantastic Four 183 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Fantastic Four 184 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325028 9.430 Shop eBay
Fantastic Four 185 35 Cent Price Variant 0123428006 7.02 Shop eBay
Fantastic Four 186 35 Cent Price Variant 0635168003 8.04 Shop eBay
Fantastic Four 187 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Flintstones 1 35 Cent Price Variant 3761194001 4.07 Shop eBay
Ghost Rider 24 35 Cent Price Variant 0123325030 9.220 Shop eBay
Ghost Rider 25 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359001 9.220 Shop eBay
Ghost Rider 26 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359002 8.05 Shop eBay
Godzilla 1 35 Cent Price Variant 0123428007 6.06 Shop eBay
Godzilla 2 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359003 9.025 Shop eBay
Godzilla 3 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359004 9.030 Shop eBay
Howard the Duck 13 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359005 8.029 Shop eBay
Howard the Duck 14 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359006 7.52 Shop eBay
Howard the Duck 15 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359007 8.03 Shop eBay
Howard the Duck 16 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359008 6.01 Shop eBay
Howard the Duck 17 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359009 8.03 Shop eBay
Human Fly 1 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359010 7.03 Shop eBay
Human Fly 2 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359011 7.03 Shop eBay
Incredible Hulk 212 35 Cent Price Variant 1624872010 8.04 Shop eBay
Incredible Hulk 213 35 Cent Price Variant 1624872003 7.52 Shop eBay
Incredible Hulk 214 35 Cent Price Variant 1624872007 6.51 Shop eBay
Incredible Hulk 215 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324026 6.01 Shop eBay
Incredible Hulk 216 35 Cent Price Variant 0607349013 8.04 Shop eBay
Inhumans 11 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359012 9.020 Shop eBay
Inhumans 12 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359013 9.230 Shop eBay
Invaders 17 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324016 6.52 Shop eBay
Invaders 18 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359014 9.225 Shop eBay
Invaders 19 35 Cent Price Variant 0607349017 7.54 Shop eBay
Invaders 20 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Invaders 21 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359015 8.510 Shop eBay
Iron Fist 13 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324027 7.023 Shop eBay
Iron Fist 14 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324028 5.5192 Shop eBay
Iron Fist 15 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359016 7.030 Shop eBay
Iron Man 99 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359017 8.05 Shop eBay
Iron Man 100 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359018 9.260 Shop eBay
Iron Man 101 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324030 6.02 Shop eBay
Iron Man 102 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359019 9.060 Shop eBay
Iron Man 103 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359020 9.290 Shop eBay
John Carter, Warlord of Mars 1 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359021 7.511 Shop eBay
John Carter, Warlord of Mars 2 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359022 9.035 Shop eBay
John Carter, Warlord of Mars 3 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359023 8.015 Shop eBay
John Carter, Warlord of Mars 4 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359024 9.4105 Shop eBay
John Carter, Warlord of Mars 5 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359025 9.4105 Shop eBay
Kid Colt Outlaw 218 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Kid Colt Outlaw 219 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Kid Colt Outlaw 220 35 Cent Price Variant 4091242008 6.014 Shop eBay
Kull, the Destroyer 21 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518003 7.54 Shop eBay
Kull, the Destroyer 22 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518004 7.54 Shop eBay
Kull, the Destroyer 23 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359026 8.07 Shop eBay
Logan's Run 6 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359027 8.520 Shop eBay
Logan's Run 7 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359028 4.51 Shop eBay
Marvel Premiere 36 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367005 9.225 Shop eBay
Marvel Premiere 37 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518006 4.51 Shop eBay
Marvel Premiere 38 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367006 9.445 Shop eBay
Marvel Presents 11 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367007 9.440 Shop eBay
Marvel Presents 12 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367008 7.53 Shop eBay
Marvel Super Action 2 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518007 5.55 Shop eBay
Marvel Super Action 3 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367012 9.260 Shop eBay
Marvel Super-Heroes 65 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367013 9.05 Shop eBay
Marvel Super-Heroes 66 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367014 9.28 Shop eBay
Marvel Tales 80 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359029 7.53 Shop eBay
Marvel Tales 81 35 Cent Price Variant 0607349015 8.05 Shop eBay
Marvel Tales 82 35 Cent Price Variant 0607349014 9.015 Shop eBay
Marvel Tales 83 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518009 6.02 Shop eBay
Marvel Tales 84 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518010 5.51 Shop eBay
Marvel Team-Up 58 35 Cent Price Variant 0123359030 9.298 Shop eBay
Marvel Team-Up 59 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367001 9.065 Shop eBay
Marvel Team-Up 60 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367002 8.544 Shop eBay
Marvel Team-Up 61 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367003 8.544 Shop eBay
Marvel Team-Up 62 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367015 9.298 Shop eBay
Marvel Triple Action 36 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Marvel Triple Action 37 35 Cent Price Variant 0123371008 8.54 Shop eBay
Marvel Two-In-One 28 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367004 9.230 Shop eBay
Marvel Two-In-One 29 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518011 6.060 Shop eBay
Marvel Two-In-One 30 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518012 5.52 Shop eBay
Marvel Two-In-One 31 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367016 9.460 Shop eBay
Marvel Two-In-One 32 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518014 7.090 Shop eBay
Marvel's Greatest Comics 71 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367009 7.52 Shop eBay
Marvel's Greatest Comics 72 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367010 9.210 Shop eBay
Marvel's Greatest Comics 73 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367011 9.210 Shop eBay
Master of Kung Fu 53 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Master of Kung Fu 54 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518015 6.03 Shop eBay
Master of Kung Fu 55 35 Cent Price Variant 0607349019 7.04 Shop eBay
Master of Kung-Fu 56 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518016 6.545 Shop eBay
Master of Kung Fu 57 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367017 8.513 Shop eBay
Ms. Marvel 6 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367018 7.511 Shop eBay
Ms. Marvel 7 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367019 9.268 Shop eBay
Ms. Marvel 8 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367020 9.268 Shop eBay
Ms. Marvel 9 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367021 9.4135 Shop eBay
Ms. Marvel 10 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367022 8.530 Shop eBay
Nova 10 35 Cent Price Variant 0123428010 5.03 Shop eBay
Nova 11 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367023 8.520 Shop eBay
Nova 12 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367024 7.08 Shop eBay
Nova 13 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367025 9.240 Shop eBay
Nova 14 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367026 8.010 Shop eBay
Omega the Unknown 9 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367027 7.56 Shop eBay
Omega the Unknown 10 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367028 9.240 Shop eBay
Power Man 44 35 Cent Price Variant 0607349020 7.02 Shop eBay
Power Man 45 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Power Man 46 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518018 6.01 Shop eBay
Power Man 47 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Rawhide Kid 140 35 Cent Price Variant 0154063022 3.54 Shop eBay
Rawhide Kid 141 35 Cent Price Variant 0129179003 5.58 Shop eBay
Red Sonja 4 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Red Sonja 5 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367029 9.220 Shop eBay
Scooby-Doo 1 35 Cent Price Variant 0134396001 7.011 Shop eBay
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandoes 141 35 Cent Price Variant 3732641007 9.23500 Shop eBay
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandoes 142 35 Cent Price Variant 3732641008 5.0119 Shop eBay
Spectacular Spider-Man 7 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324012 6.54 Shop eBay
Spectacular Spider-Man 8 35 Cent Price Variant 0607349003 6.04 Shop eBay
Spectacular Spider-Man 9 35 Cent Price Variant 1015473003 9.020 Shop eBay
Spectacular Spider-Man 10 35 Cent Price Variant 0123428011 8.515 Shop eBay
Spectacular Spider-Man 11 35 Cent Price Variant 0190430018 8.08 Shop eBay
Star Wars 1 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324009 3.0325 Shop eBay
Star Wars 2 35 Cent Price Variant 3732641006 7.0210 Shop eBay
Star Wars 3 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324010 5.5120 Shop eBay
Star Wars 4 35 Cent Price Variant 0132324011 4.070 Shop eBay
Super-Villain Team-Up 12 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518019 6.56 Shop eBay
Super-Villain Team-Up 13 35 Cent Price Variant 1624872002 7.08 Shop eBay
Super-Villain Team-Up 14 35 Cent Price Variant 0123367030 8.017 Shop eBay
Tarzan 1 35 Cent Price Variant 0123428012 9.225 Shop eBay
Tarzan 2 35 Cent Price Variant 0190430019 6.52 Shop eBay
Tarzan 3 35 Cent Price Variant 0629643009 9.2210 Shop eBay
Tarzan 4 35 Cent Price Variant 0123428015 7.02 Shop eBay
Tarzan 5 35 Cent Price Variant 0123428016 6.01 Shop eBay
Thor 260 35 Cent Price Variant 0123371001 9.035 Shop eBay
Thor 261 35 Cent Price Variant 0123371002 9.4100 Shop eBay
Thor 262 35 Cent Price Variant 0123371003 9.250 Shop eBay
Thor 263 35 Cent Price Variant 0123371004 9.250 Shop eBay
Thor 264 35 Cent Price Variant No Comic    Shop eBay
Tomb of Dracula 57 35 Cent Price Variant 0123371005 9.4150 Shop eBay
Tomb of Dracula 58 35 Cent Price Variant 0123371006 9.055 Shop eBay
Tomb of Dracula 59 35 Cent Price Variant 0132518020 6.58 Shop eBay
Tomb of Dracula 60 35 Cent Price Variant 3732641005 9.050 Shop eBay
X-Men 105 35 Cent Price Variant 3732641004 8.5188 Shop eBay
X-Men 106 35 Cent Price Variant 0607349004 7.560 Shop eBay
X-Men 107 35 Cent Price Variant 0123371009 9.4714 Shop eBay

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