Swampers, Swampers, Swampers!!!! The One Who is a thing of the swamp, and that dwells to surprise and delight. With artist and even writer Bernie Wrightson, we can't get enough! Tall Tales to Keep our Eyelids Peeled for MORE. Wrightson comes back attempting to do just that, and he winds up out doing himself. With writing, and or, just inking the mind grapes out of the pencils, it is full of boldness to leave you breathless.
Swamp Thing is the Swampiest! He takes to the creek and calls it home! He has friends and keeps it to the kilt with his way of life, or else. Time is above but looks down upon the swamp as well, both the just and unjust alike!
Keeping it together the best they can, it takes the living swamp to understand the emotions of the things that actually happen there. Meaning it takes one to know one, but it doesn't end there for outsiders to become interested and or infatuated with those said emotional interactions. Swamp Thing gets his day or said "due", and all the same as any other, as those weeks turn into months, and then so on. Making the herkie murk and some muddy waters, swamp thing comes out with vines and sometimes sincere thoughts, but he won't make it out, except to somehow change. Of that he knows not how, or even sometimes has the want, having been the swamp itself for so long! The truth of it is living with yourself to make peace with it, and the change is inevitable whether you can realize it or not, but to still end up with the faith of courage even though he is tested with that swamp like substance.