CGC Registry

The Green Haired Girl

Set Type: Aphrodite IX (2000) All Variants
Owner: Yorick
Last Modified: 10/21/2023
Views: 348

Rank: 1
Score: 593
Leading by: 17
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

Some stand-out covers enticed me to buy this series. Most notably by Marc Silvestri and David Finch. And who doesn't like reading about a sexy killer robot?!!
This set reminds me of the "variant covers" era of comics that killed the joy of collecting and made me feel like a sucker for buying them (...still playing that roll of "sucker" even now). Eight variations of issue #1? Eight of issue #0? Seven of issue #2? There are also museum editions, celluloid editions, and foreign editions.
Oops. Forgot that there are the Black & White Aphrodite IX #1s. Make that 10 variations of #1.
comic_category_sm Set Type

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