CGC Registry

Dave Stevens Covers MM

Set Type: Dave Stevens Covers - LEGACY
Owner: Taxmick1
Last Modified: 11/18/2024
Views: 667

Rank: 3
Score: 5729
Leading by: 2604
Points to Higher Rank: 330

Set Description:

My first Dave Stevens book was "Seduction of the Innocent 3-D #1". Just a gorgeous cover! I was hooked from that day onwards. I know that there are many Dave Stevens' fans on the boards and I have had the pleasure of conversing with many and some I also consider to be friends. I love reading about the stories of meeting Dave at cons. I never had that privilege, but I enjoy hunting for obscure Dave Stevens' books - some are maddeningly difficult to find in any grade ("Back Issues #nn" from 1983 immediately comes to mind), let alone a high grade, but the hunt continues!

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