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Good Girl Art. There are also findings of love spats, and when it comes to Black Cats, Mary Jane is too nice. Does Peter Parker good to learn of the pitfalls! Days gone by when and where comics could be found at different venues for patronage, we will one day be at the 7-11 again to binge! Yet the different good girl artists are still getting exposure in the direct local comic shop market too! These are the directs, while the newsstands are mostly in the set with "including variants" in the title! Check them out.
Spidey gets the girls, but they are always out for their own agenda, except the humble Mary Jane and that is why she is wife material!
CGC has many a label notation and some over the years have gone by the wayside. Collectors have habits and attractions, none as fair in time save the emotions of reading but cover art can still serve some purpose. When we happen upon great reads, we are reminded of those that were in succession or built upon, and the same with artists, writers, and or illustrators. None have ever been built on their own merits alone, but through innovation comes their willingness to be taught and seek out those histories within a hobby, media, and otherwise shakers and movers! Some have stood out above the rest, but is an all in all situation that is the comparison. Cannot have one without the other, and those lines and colors are the arbitrators to encompass the comics, comics, comics!

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Amazing Spider-Man 602 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 602 Universal |
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$3.99 Newsstand Edition. 1st Appearance of the "New Slyde". Mary Jane with her moped gracing the front cover, and seemingly floating on air! Glad to have this high-grade example in my collection of the "newsstands" that once graced convenience stores when I was a kid! Slyde will keep up with the best of them and is usually being chased! I'm older now and I wonder if maybe the original Slyde was as smug? I'm joshing of course, but the attitude seems to be too slick. Brash can make a villain, if only equal to Spider-man's sarcasm! If he wasn't already on the wrong side, Spidey probably wouldn't have written him off so quickly, but I guess that was the plot to "Slyde" then and now! Spidey invented web shooters nonetheless and they can take your breath away, at a brisk pace or at a steady space, and which calls to mind how quick is Spider-man's web to be achieving these speeds. Without relevance? Since Slyde is about speed, maybe the exercise will do Parker some good, and he can rest later! Let's get the party started.
Complete with a back cover of the insides to this issue of course! He could be a common thief or somewhere under the law for sure, but Spidey needs to be sure! Spider-Man has been around long enough to act on impulse and deal with the consequences, it just makes him continue having to repair his good name. Let it not be said that he would allow wrongdoing, but those impulse decisions get him in hot water. The sarcasm is funny, and yet, it is due to impossible situations used as a defense mechanism. Press Candidate.
Grader Notes;
light spine stress lines to cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 606 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 606 Modern |
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Campbell Cover 9.6, the Black Cat kisses Spider-man in front of Mary Jane, mercy! I have the $3.99 newsstand version of this, and it pairs well in comparison to this Nice Campbell Good Girl Art! Glad to have this as a part of my collection! This may be the Super-man Super Lips theory that kept this issue from 9.8. Kisses so hard they make you forget like in the Superman movie with Lois, and yet it's a keeper. The shock of Mary Jane is real on the cover; the inside has some explaining to do. Oh, how that Black Cat is howling up a storm with the teasing. Too much going on with this cover to give it too much thought to the contrary, there has to be some thoughtful care for a reply. Love the contact, holding on the field. "Parker!' It takes time for doubles, and when they're attractive and have chaser variants, it can be monotonous, and in the end worthwhile, if we don't give up and can be patient. Parker and Girls! Girls! Girls!
Complete with a back cover picture of the insides of this issue from my under copy! Ooh La La! With some splashy goodness of the Spider-Man and the Black Cat in action!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Amazing Spider-Man 607 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 607 Modern |
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Campbell Good Girl Art. This one isn't your typical Campbell; this is more cheesecake. A key Character the Black Cat, Meow! Glad to have a nice copy, because I have a $3.99 newsstand edition copy too! A 9.6 is a sweet piece of business, take into consideration the jewels and you've got hot commodities all over the place. After that #606 and to keep at it like nothing happened. If you've got it flaunt it. Like Bruno Mars said, "Don't worry about it come show me!" That white hair is the fashion nowadays anyway. Interesting the time Campbell took to add detail, and the colorist didn't do a bad job either; although, it is usually the same colorist for Campbell. Nei Ruffino! I want to say she has been chosen the most. Unlucky or simply lucky enough for things to work out badly, letting off the hook with some lives to speak of left as the Black Cat seen here "running the jewels!"
Complete with a back cover picture of a Campbell Print of the Black Cat, that along with comics, I picked up at Fan Expo Dallas Comic Con 2018. It was a lot of three prints for only $60 that I got from Campbell's booth that year, and I got some one-on-one time at the table that was treasured too. A talk with Campbell about sketches and hopeful promises about availability and prices! He is real kind, costly though.
Grader Notes;
spine stress lines.
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Amazing Spider-Man 611 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 611 Modern |
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Skottie Young Cover! Deadpool Hijinks, taking advantage of the ever so sarcastic Spidey! What a team up, a direct version bought from Dave and Adams, for a comfortable value, thumbs up from Deadpool! The 2nd Print is getting some steam, this 1st print I saw in store and had to have. Passed on it at the time that I 1st ever saw it back in 2015-16, yet I knew it was due for my collection though! That is just too funny for time travel's sake, and a good summary of the 90's. Too good to pass up that is, keep that history, if only to remember. Whether it be Liefeld or people who completed the Deadpool character turn into a sarcastic yet still deadly comparison as an assassin, it takes all kind even within a Spider-Verse! Creators had their imprint, but for certain, there is much that was built upon with these two in particular of their generations!
Complete with the back cover picture of Spider-Man/Deadpool #3, cover by Liefeld, that I picked up at a Fan Expo Dallas around 2018. It is the limited series where Spidey and the Pool really get to know each other! The days of easy on the eye's convention editions are ever present, but the newcomers realize that they can "mostly be novelty", if nothing else.
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Amazing Spider-Man 617 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 617 Modern |
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Part 3 of a 3-part cover sequence. 1st appearance of the new Rhino. Rhino (Sytsevich) & Doctor Tramma app. This issue basically takes place in a dine in type of quarters, that the Rhino would like to be the good guy if it fits into his plans. An under copy, so to speak at NM 9.4 as the direct version. The newsstand of this I own is decked out as the insides to this issue with the back cover picture. This being the Rhino reborn, his good name is taken to task, but by a newcomer with the stamina to bear the name. Spider-man as a photo-monkey is getting in his licks to keep the establishment ticking, not holding back when civilians are in harm's way. Picked up for cheap as a reader at the shops, to make a good showing of those near mint copies found in the "wild!" Not bad to finally send in and have 2 examples present, one direct and one newsstand.
Complete with a back cover picture of the "screen" at the prescreen before publicly released of, "Bad Times at the El Royale!" This is a period piece in 50's or 60's style, that also takes place at a hotel, with a Pulp Fiction Royale with Cheese kind of vibe. It is one that makes the audience groan and probably categorized as a "B movie" type, which is a little worse for wear by the time those old-time gangsters show up!
Grader Notes:
spine stress lines cover breaks color;
multiple bend back cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 650 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 650 Modern |
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1st appearance of the "Stealth Suit" that I believe was used in the Spider-man movie: Far From Home! I saw this movie as a prescreen before it came out for everyone. Since it was to be at a theater (Alamo Draft House) that served food, I took my mom and let her enjoy some reclined seats and a milk shake! Also, this slab has the Spider-man label of New York City, in 9.8, to sweeten the deal! Give it time and we'll see every suit possible in the MCU, and I suppose that's why people are flocking. I think they are at least unique or cool ideas; I just wonder if the Venom suit was seen as the original or first variant, and these others are looked at as possible "repeats or copycats?" They keep coming up with "new" ideas for suits though, and not many put out on any regularity, but hey, "Them's the breaks kid." Buy yourself a New Yorker and hit the bricks see! "The city that never sleeps!"
Back cover picture of the "70 years of Marvel Poster" that I picked up early on when back into collecting! It includes years of the "Timely Generation" for the amount of 70-years circa 1938-39, which turned into Marvel in 1961 and then marveling onward to about 2009-11 when this Amazing Spider-man issue would mark the 50-year total for Marvel being the established moniker, and with Timely a 70-year achievement. Quite an accomplishment toward a timely marvel of comics and stories spanning the generations and onward as a good steward!
Grader Notes Unavailable.
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Amazing Spider-Man 700 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 700 Signature |
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""Death"" of Peter Parker. Amazing Spider-Man #300 cover homage. Last issue. SIGNED BY HUMBERTO RAMOS ON 9/18/21. It is finally revealed that Doctor Octopus is switching the brains of chemistry with the big Peter Parker, on to web-slinging adventures. Cranium sung to the song of the Sanitarium by Metallica? So much to say for this "last" issue of sorts even in Near Mint 9.4 but let me begin by saying a clean Ramos Signature. Bought at Titan Comics from their bargain slab bin, for $43 with tax! A day that I got to spend with my brother end of summer 2022, we all got accounted for and kept hydrated. I like Signature Series for cheap, although I do have another Amazing Spider-man issue in mind soon. We take what we can find and it's all about the Spider-man. A nice corner crunch on this one to keep it at 9.4. With a press nowadays and for this kind of slab with signature series, it has to be cracked and pressed by CGC specifically.
Complete with a back cover picture of the shirt I won in the contest for wearing Argyle clothing at the prescreen before released to theaters of, "Argylle!" A movie title spelled with two "L's" rather and is about a stream of consciousness with a writer of fiction that turns out to be "too close to the truth!" Similar as Spidey and Doctor Octopus this issue and brainwashing at its finest but with a real transposed danger of lives switched and it ends in a Royal Rumble. Starring John Cena and Henry Cavill. A "chick flick" that was really well done!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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