CGC Registry

Amazing Spider-man the Good Girl Art!

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man #601-#700 Any Variant
Last Modified: 12/26/2024
Views: 618

Rank: 35
Score: 246
Leading by: 6
Points to Higher Rank: 6

Set Description:

Good Girl Art. There are also findings of love spats, and when it comes to Black Cats, Mary Jane is too nice. Does Peter Parker good to learn of the pitfalls! Days gone by when and where comics could be found at different venues for patronage, we will one day be at the 7-11 again to binge! Yet the different good girl artists are still getting exposure in the direct local comic shop market too! These are the directs, while the newsstands are mostly in the set with "including variants" in the title! Check them out.
Spidey gets the girls, but they are always out for their own agenda, except the humble Mary Jane and that is why she is wife material!

CGC has many a label notation and some over the years have gone by the wayside. Collectors have habits and attractions, none as fair in time save the emotions of reading but cover art can still serve some purpose. When we happen upon great reads, we are reminded of those that were in succession or built upon, and the same with artists, writers, and or illustrators. None have ever been built on their own merits alone, but through innovation comes their willingness to be taught and seek out those histories within a hobby, media, and otherwise shakers and movers! Some have stood out above the rest, but is an all in all situation that is the comparison. Cannot have one without the other, and those lines and colors are the arbitrators to encompass the comics, comics, comics!

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