Set Description:
Venom Appearances are etched and sketched by the Italian artist. Changes are made to the symbiote human hosts. People's roles are changed, lives are rerouted. It is all in a web of life! With more for other "sets" on the way, we've got Dell Otto here, in all the art and splendor. Awesome trial and error to collect them all. Spidey and Villain, if ever the twain shall meet. In the end collect what you love, and the self-appreciation will do the rest. Still some 1st's to be found rest assured.
Dell Otto is newish to the culture but has already surpassed many a commoner. He will be passed on to newcomers to their liking, we hope!
Art is the key to being decisive enough to admit at what speaks to you, and then with what avenue do you follow through? A rendition, a commission? A sketch? A remarque? All illustrations that can put pen to paper a construction of how we collect, now as the registry gives us an outlet to play a game of scrapbooking! It takes those opportunities and places them before us as the puzzle pieces that we first found either in an Amazing Spider-man or somewhere else in comics, comics, comics! Many caretakers and employees have struck gold making their mark upon the instrument of art. Some more fondly accepted to us than others, or some the only ones that we can get our hands on! Ha-ha, bringing home the "stuff" as we check our mailbox!

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Amazing Spider-man: Venom Inc. Alpha (2018) 1 Dell'Otto Variant Cover |
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Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Alpha 1 Signature |
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Owner Comments
Dell Otto remark Signature Series 2/20/19. Flash Thompson becomes new anti-venom, and Lee Price becomes maniac. Actually, the first "remark sketch" type from an artist that I've submitted for Signature Series. This was done in Italy too, I miss the days when CGC would put the event on the label, yet I think even that was only for cons. I got this done through a facilitator, so I know they went overseas. I'm not so sure if it was at an event or a private signing, which would be cool for CGC to have facilitators notate. I was so impressed with this; I tried when available to do a 2nd time. Dell Otto is flocked towards for certain characters, and Venom and Punisher were the ones I was personally desiring. I got my first sketch/remark with hopefully more to come. Very formidable and taken to task to be tested and tried, any artist and or Marvel character should welcome the opportunity!
Complete with a back cover picture of the mini-series "New Ways to Live", that came of this Dell Otto Anti-Venom issue! Found at Half Price Books at half of cover price, with the Punisher making an appearance as well in the mini! Sweet raw pickups that gave the Anti-Venom a run for his money, surely psyched out at new abilities! A good read. Setting it all up for King in Black, the Knull king would have it tattooed on his symbiote subjects soon enough. Like Rambo the "regulars" are showing up to push back to become maniacs for the cause of "anti-kingship!"
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Amazing Spider-man: Venom Inc. Alpha (2018) 1 Variant Edition |
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Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Alpha 1 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Flash Thompson becomes the new Anti-Venom. Lee Price becomes Maniac. Picked up for $6 at LCS Awesome Comics, no not pressed. A striking Granov cover, and I feel like I just discovered him this 2022. He has been around a while, and he has style, that kind of looks like paint. These Venoms are just fun to pursue and keep up with, I'm not sure the canon, nor do I know how much is permanent. I do know that it is being received with a different attitude than the 90's. The 90's were fun, but there was so much around that a lot of people got burn out. NOW there are covers and artists, same as then, but more people seem to take to them. I enjoy the firsts and some of the sets, not all variants are "foil" or "shiny", but it can feel like it. Still nice to see this in-between my other 2 issues of "alpha & omega" issue! I hope there is a consensus with others liking it as well!
Complete with back cover picture of the "Daddy of Them All?" The Venom with 1 grain of point 0.999 silver! "Gimmick Card?" Given to me by the boardie Shadroch in a mystery grab box, and I paid the shipping only! Comparison of what Venom may become, and a Marvel Card showing the silver tier of villains after goblin gold!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Amazing Spider-man: Venom Inc. Omega (2018) 1 Variant Edition |
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Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Omega 1 Modern |
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Dell Otto Spider-Man, which is classic in my opinion! I'm excited to have this Spidey illustration cover in my collection, it seems matching to the Venom "ALPHA" Inc! I bought Omega and Alpha from the same seller, and one would assume they have the same condition issues, especially since they graded the same at 9.4. I'm glad to have the pair, the Dell Otto: Venom and Spider-man face off. While the two covers seem to be polarizing to each other, I'm glad to have another "Granov" variant of the Alpha that often appears in between the Alpha and Omega in the set, that has them meeting and fighting in midair! An overall quality style of presentation. Anything full figure illustrated by Dell Otto, and I recommend it as a keepsake for the art; although now, he mostly does Fan Expo Convention Editions and those usually are face or portrait only. Hope he isn't a flash in the pan, nor wasted talent, they need to put that ability to good use!
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass before released to theaters of, "Alpha!" Since this summed up Omega one shot issue was proceeded by Alpha, we've got to be learning about man's best friend with loyalty in evolving characters that don't take a back seat to the arachnids! Who will be the last in Omega after the Alpha of firsts?
Grader Notes;
multiple scuff back cover breaks color.