Set Description:
Thanos is Awesome! He is mean to boot! He kicks galactic keister in his quest to marry Death! He has been stopped plenty of times, but every meeting seems to cost lives at the hand of the Titan. The big baddie keeps right on with his mission. We should coin the phrase, "THANOS BULLDOZER", and make it stick! The ever so thoughtful Thanos. Yes, he's not so much a go in blind type, he plans, but once he sets his mind to a purpose, then hold on to your britches.
Ah Thanos! An obsession, and I wonder if that is the cologne he uses, or if he is more of a Calvin Klein type?! Yet it is the missions plan that is ever before him, and always on his mind!
Sometimes the best laid plans are not in the mindset of eternity, and while eternity is placed inside all of us, it could be considered a blindness in part that seeks to be reinhabited. A foregone conclusion that finds Thanos seeking his own retelling of those truths, but facts are facts and just because believing causes a justice in mercy, it is not a vice versa that unearths that truth. Thanos wants to rewrite the existence that is the eternity in our heart and with what substance we are made of, as it is sometimes found more in someone's character or life than others. While it is always being found and as all sufficient, Thanos then believes there is only so much to go around and thusly takes up an arm for change. He however didn't have a hand in the creation and thereby cannot be an author to such a variance and cannot change one iota, no matter how much he thinks himself a "finisher of such truths." It is all self-evident, even though those thoughts and truths escape him as the true justification, it keeps him from then keeping on the firing line.

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Iron Man 55 |
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Iron Man 55 Universal |
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1st appearance of Thanos and Drax the Destroyer! (Arthur Douglas) Keith's comics find, support your local comic shop through this pandemic 2020. Yes Thanos, he is cosmic. He thinks himself the caretaker, yet the savior. How can it be, that this would be Titan would want to ruin everyone's day!?! Eventually it will come to the name of death, and the supposed prolonging of life as a result even! He's been given an opportunity and takes it upon himself to bring it to pass. Keeping close knit, he takes to task the plan and execution. Thoughtful and pragmatic, this bully will see it to the end. Given media attention and subsequent movie and comic fandom, this rising star has to be put away post haste. Longing for his own nostalgia, Thanos is keeping his attitude and promise. It is what he came for, seen as either selfish or thought provoking. Heroes decide, much like Magneto, who may be an ultimate villain in his own right. Firsts come and go, but collectors usually remember and cherish the thrill of the hunt!
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass before released to theaters of "Arthur the King!" Another Arthur the same as Drax and thought of as the same in loyalty in film too that takes on the dependability of a team. Whether it be competing for a prize or revenge that turns into forgiveness for the sake of the greater good, it would be hard to find one as loyal as an Arthur!
Grader Notes:
light crease left center of front cover breaks color;
light spine stress lines;
small, multiple crease right top of front cover breaks color.
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Warlock 10 |
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Warlock 10 Modern |
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1st Appearance of the "In-Betweener", and also the Origin of Thanos and Gamora! I traded a raw copy of this to boardie Crops068 (Brian) and he gave me a copy of Avengers #66, which is the 1st appearance of ADAMANTIUM. Nice trade from a friend to have the Avengers #66 signed by Roy Thomas (2020), now I have a Warlock #10 with a Thanos battle back in the collection!! In 9.4 from Bob Storms! I got it for about $60 shipped, which is a nice little deal, from and their "Spin a Deal" promotion. It is a regular thing now, I pay attention to it, and he gets in a lot of good stuff that has a make an offer option as well. Warlock on top of a mountain of bodies, how could you not like this cover and want to read the story. Piling on top can only surmount the odds of the fallen to what end? As much the Warlock ponders the implications, it is original in origins of soon to be bigger ideas and threats!
Complete with a back cover picture of how to "get better when turned into a 'newt' and not be burned!" ~ Monty Python. They put that nose on you! Burn her!? "I got better!?"
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Thanos Quest 2 |
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Thanos Quest 2 Modern |
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2nd printing 9.8, donated by the awesome boardie, PunisherPunisherPunisher; Chad you're great! Sweet Book and Sweet GESTURE!! A great by the numbers story that was very popular for it's time, along with #1 as well being sought after. We've got Thanos using his stones and I don't just mean will power. It's time to let loose the dogs of war and trap that sucker! A 9.8 white pager that has me thankful for friends and equal amount of help we can give. There is still someone up above that we can not out give no matter how we try. I'm truly grateful for this sweet addition to the collection. I remember seeing #1 at the LCS several times, and not knowing really what it was, as I was new. Evidently even #2 was very popular, in conclusion, if it too went to a 2nd print. Thanos?! What you going to do when they come for you?!
Wraparound Cover once again graces a set to its fulfillment, and excitingly, a Thanos book is no different for the all-around feel of venturing to cross the art across and around both covers, stones included!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Silver Surfer v3 #44 |
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Silver Surfer v3 #44 Modern |
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1st appearance of the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos & Drax app. Direct Editions include ""Tiger Electronics"" insert. This being a newsstand, and yet, an older label taking to terms to still show the Direct Fun-Size Goodies on the Label. It takes all kinds when making those hopes and dreams for an ever-changing hobby come full circle! Indeed, it had its subtleties all this time or under pinning's, but change can come in an instant. Modern times have their gloves or gauntlets with stones and behemoths in film. Those sure-fire darts are quenched with the likes of the shield of some Avengers, and perhaps a Silver Surfer. Those that catch the wind of fortune take the breath of fresh air from the likes of Jack Kirby creator of the Silver "bullet" Surfer! After hard workdays cranking the sheets of art board beneath the timeclock of deadlines! Those continuations now into a 3rd Volume even.
Complete with a back cover picture of even more modern times, where it seems the Silver Surfer is still holding hands! Such is life when traveling along life's lonesome road, I know that it is heavy, and I know that it is straight, home.
Grader Notes Unavailable.
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Infinity Gauntlet 1 |
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Infinity Gauntlet 1 Modern |
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Infinity Gauntlet George Perez Classic Cover. 9.0 because of a tape pull, but still glad to have such a well presenting copy in my collection. Its cover is striking and needed to be read! This one is ironic, cause the LCS worker asked me which copy I wanted to buy as they had 2. I looked at both in mylar and chose one, he handed me the other at checkout saying the one I "had chosen" had a tape pull. Well lucky me when I got it back. Just ironic nothing more. I have a raw to read and that Thanos is collecting to disperse. Like winding up a pitch to just make everything disappear into nothingness. That is quite a pitch, with a lot of power behind it. Infinity stones to be exact, at the center of the erasure, caused the disperse displacement of half the population or thereabouts. (probably more exact lol) The movie having two films, and waiting for the second movie conclusion burned a lot of people that waited years to finally watch it, after the first film was an enthralling two hours plus!
Complete with a back cover picture of what set the scene, that is now world famous, from my reader copy! Bought from Half Price Books for a few bucks to read at the leisure. Time with comics, making reminders of the good to great ones.
Grader Notes:
multiple dent;
small tape pull right center of back cover;
spine stress lines.
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Avengers: Celestial Quest 2 |
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Avengers: Celestial Quest 2 Modern |
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Thanos book and cover and a sweet 9.8 to boot! I gained this copy from djpinkpanther67 in boardie Thirdgreenham's "LAST" Grading Contest 2019. Thanos back to take over the world. As Pinky and the Brain said, "The same thing we do every day!" This time it's getting even tougher to talk back to the would-be Titan that keeps on coming time after time. They want a day off from all the talk and fisticuffs. They contemplate going to drastic measures, just to make it less of a temptation for Thanos. Keeping with the story arc that went through several books, these 9.8's in my collection are something that I'm super grateful for. Even if it is the slabs, we can read the stories elsewhere, and the 1st print editions are quite the lookers for the Thanos Master Set. Glad to have the friend indeed, or a part in the life of such generous people who have come and gone, if only Thanos could enjoy the same sentiment!
Complete with a back cover picture of the likely start of it all, that keeps the ladies and gentlemen riveted. This "Logan's Run" is based on the movie, the comic edition of the movie that later in issue number 6 had Thanos trying to extinguish life as a flower. Drax had made an appearance as well. A reader copy gifted to me by Chad, of the first issue as a start to that run, boardie punisherpunisherpunisher when he visited from Australia! "Logans Run" that keeps the Thanos readers strung along! Just hopefully just not strung up, *snap*!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Infinity Abyss 3 |
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Infinity Abyss 3 Modern |
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Thanos book and cover and 9.8 to boot! I love this frail and weaken Thanos, he's under pressure! I got this in the Green Eggs "LAST" grading contest 2019, from boardie djpinkpanther67. They finally have the Titan right where they want him, in a corner frail and snapped up from his quest. It will continue though, the temptation is irresistible to not just Thanos, evidently, and we get a close-up view of just who may else want to be in on the ultimate mission, regarding Thanos super frail state. They go and just take a quick action to set it aside for the future quest. Man, this Thanos gets some odd help sometimes. When your possibly Marvel's biggest and baddest, you can only be taken out and played with when the plot and story will not ruin a franchise. That is a cold-hearted truth that slakes the thirsty chin of an otherwise powerful Thanos that completes any Marvel Comic Book in a big finish kind of way. When going out? Go big or go home.
Complete with a back cover picture of the state of condition THAT IS the Heart of "THANOS!?!" With the Netflix streaming channel movie starring Gal Gadot called Heart of Stone, the decks of cards I got from the prescreen! It is a Thanos set staple, as it teaches us to lean more compassionately with a Heart Made of Flesh! Beware the stones of infinity!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Infinity Gauntlet (2015) 1 |
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Infinity Gauntlet 1 Modern |
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Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet, 'nuff said! I got this in the Green Eggs "LAST" Grading Contest held in 2019, from boardie djpinkpanther67 A 9.8 Thanos Cover? I'll take it! This one surprised me with how big that gauntlet is now, lol, it gets magnified and built again over and over. It's the go to for Thanos, and if the heroes aren't used to it yet, they will be. They start to get the feeling that it just needs to constantly be stopped and or avoided. Make it unavailable and you can sum it up that Thanos "may just stop looking!" Of course, Thanos is a little more persistent than that, but the heroes are going to give it a go and make the endless search null and void. Great for a 2015 release, when I really wasn't into the moderns to pay attention enough and I'm glad to remedy that! These comics were not as expensive even though in 2024 this does not seem that long ago.
Complete with a back cover picture of the Free Comic Book Day, 2013 issue, a comic that featured similarities to this "gauntlet" issue in the movies. With a first appearance of Corvus Glaive that helped Thanos, tried at least, to recover Infinity Stones. These are the back stories with Thunder!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Thanos (2017) 13 |
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Thanos 13 Modern |
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1st Cosmic Ghost Rider! Give me a Herald! Give me a Frank and a Castle, give me the Thanos rider of the space ways!! What could go wrong...... Frank makes it up the ladder in the future, I just hope his morals aren't compromised. Now a herald and a Ghost Rider, the Punisher has taken it to new depths. Thanos has just won it would seem and is now seated. He has a lot of free time, it would seem, and yet still sends someone else like Ghost Rider to do the deeds that Thanos doesn't seem to deem worthy of his own hand, only that extended authority. Well, the Ghost Rider has his own missions too and soon gets his 1st ongoing series as Frank Castle is too hot to handle, and the rider of the cosmos will get the turnaround that everyone wants. Just odd that they chose the Punisher as the one for the goal. Unfortunate that this might not press to 9.8. That would have done it up nicely, indeed.
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass before releasing to theater or Netflix streaming, Heart of Stone starring Gal Gadot! The condition fits Thanos perfectly and a heart may change given the right perspective! Will be nice to see on a big screen and then again at home!
Graders Notes Unavailable.