CGC Registry

Jane Foster, "Heroine and Savior of the Realm"

Set Type: War of the Realms (2019) All Variants
Owner: ParadoxTremors
Last Modified: 12/1/2019
Views: 400

Rank: 3
Score: 96
Leading by: 26
Points to Higher Rank: 20

Set Description:

Jane Foster, Heroine and Savior of the Realm.

‘Nuff said.

Welcome everyone....

After reading The Mighty Thor #700-706 I decided I needed to collect this set to add to the “Valkyrie: Jane Foster” set I am also working on. Both are great and well written. It will be fun to see how troubling this set is to collect. And, as I always say, the fun is in the chase and the “chase” is what makes the memories enjoyable and long lasting.

Thank-you for checking in and checking out my collection. See you around my friends.

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