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Dark Wolverine with light comes the dark!

Set Type: Dark Wolverine - All Variants
Last Modified: 7/16/2023
Views: 606

Rank: 1
Score: 53
Leading by: 21
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

He's related to the Best There Is! Is he though? Can we give three claws, I mean wishes as to what the idea behind all the new Wolverine characters are? We get a glimpse as to what the Wolverine turned sinister would entail. We kind of already new, given some of the story lines. All seemingly less controversial storylines, the Wolverine can still get it done, to make you say like the Punisher stories, "That's messed up!"
The wolverine gets around, and often against his will. Being plotted and discussed for and by everything under the sun, that is his destiny if he is ever to sort it all out, but he has been at it a very long time with minimal success!

With some documented jilted lovers along the way, comes the Dark and Wolverine heirs that make it their own mistake by enjoying any altercation that may come their way. Such is the responsibility of Logan and needing to keep upright when descendants throughout his somewhat centuries of living come to bloodshed. It hasn't accumulated so much as of yet, but I fear will someday put a Spider-verse to shame, or at least proffer some competition! That is no joke! We should come up with a good name for it now to become prepared as Spider-verse had a good turn a phrase. Wolverine Seed? Wolvie-Kin? Brutes of ADAMANTIUM? As opposed to the current, "What the heck is happening?" Ha-ha.

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