CGC Registry

Revenge of the Moon

Set Type: Promethea
Owner: Jasonmorris1000000
Last Modified: 4/15/2024
Views: 475

Rank: 1
Score: 933
Leading by: 877
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

Ten years prior to this series Alan Moore began to explain some of his magic/occult beliefs in From Hell. From what I gathered in that series we have two powerful forces which are at odds: the Sun and the Moon. The Sun is male and represents left brain logic and the Moon is female and comprises the subconscious and creativity. Spoiler Alert: From Hell ends in 1998 with Sir William Gull being an agent of the Sun who wins a battle against the Moon. This ushers in the dominance of technology and materialism in the 20th century. Apparently that ending didn’t sit well with Moore because one year later in 1999, Promethea was born. Set in New York City, the Moon strikes back and apparently brings an end to the material world. I guess hoarding high grade copies of this series is contrary to its message. Hahahhaaahhaaaa!
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