CGC Registry

Red Dead Barbarian Returns

Set Type: Red Sonja Volume 2 & 3 (Marvel)
Owner: Lee K
Last Modified: 1/4/2024
Views: 250

Rank: 2
Score: 294
Leading by: 52
Points to Higher Rank: 18

Set Description:

Ahhh...the 80s - and my favorite red headed sword swinger is back. I don't really remember the 80s, which is proof I lived through them. I didn't buy any of these from my LCS at the time, I was just into X junk and JLA. I kinda missed out really. In retrospect I adore Wilshire's work. Unfortunately this would be the last time RS headlined a book for 20 years...and then with a different publisher. Admittedly, Dynamite has done well with the property, even if they are all the way up to volume 6.

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