CGC Registry

The Man Thing COMETH!!

Set Type: Savage Tales (1971)
Last Modified: 2/21/2022
Views: 421

Rank: 39
Score: 146
Leading by: 13
Points to Higher Rank: 4

Set Description:

Signed and sketched by Roy Thomas, give me the Man Thing with Conan on the Cover!! Give me magazines filled with the heads lopped off in the name of good, and we'll see the collectors read their hearts out. These tales are meant for admiring. A bit of everything, not for the lighthearted, it'll shock and amaze. The depths of the swamp, the vile of "poison", and the blade that takes the enemies substance and puts it on display for the cover! The pages in between are making the grade.
Savage Tales did the same as comedic magazines and tested boundaries that were allowed due to them being magazines specifically, but therein lies the historic value, which helps the collectability!

The pen being mightier than the sword only means that the 70's bullpen must have been as powerful as Conan! The ideas of a Man-thing that created swimming virtues of moss-covered swamps, to then have Conan cutting vines or heads to present on magazine covers, can mean at times both are tested for their ideas and creative powers. Not for the faint of heart when discussing writers and or creators' plots. Long were the work hours that might have ended in exhaustion, but only to then be drawn out and put in publication. It proved some dedication to the craft! That art is not all washed up even by the 70's standards, and when showing some primitive ambition it may prove to be relevant and with excellence or just put to good use! Conan and Swampie are only a few editions of some really exciting stories within the Savage Tales so far.

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