Set Description:
Omega Men are seeking through the space ways, making enemies and friends and acquaintances! Some prove loyalty and some get it done their way by any means necessary! Out of the series comes Lobo and the DC baddy that is slumming through space! Even though he is not quite the focus of the 1st several issues, in fact, his 1st full solo isn't until issue #10. Appearing in #3 means it is a build, and or, a slow burn. I quite like the way the story is a page turner, they were nice reads up to #10, which is where I stopped.
Omega Men doesn't have anything on Lobo, except #3, which is a 1st appearance, and maybe a few solo comics. Well, there you have it, there is a lot to the low down bastich!
This is it, as grey matter for thinking space, in space from those treasure finders of missions abroad. Lobo usually out for himself finds himself a helper but also a decider in the plot. Early on in this set, at least issues #1-10, takes on early meaning as the main focus. Mainly the LOBO who isn't as apparent in his attitude of solitude funk within this series. He saves that for Superman who he admits would be his archnemesis, if he truly thought it was a contest, as the MAIN MAN! Glowing reviews from further attachments to the character by way of a steady fan base who have hopes for the character. DC breaking the bank with that #3 cover that went on to its own character-building stories brought to LOBO in those who were close with rumors. He spikes them all in the dust for spreading his stories that he alone can either choose to boast of, or sideswipe that character of his, to even be verbose by decking some punches into despicably disconcerting taunts!
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Omega Men 3 |
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Omega Men 3 Modern |
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Owner Comments
1st appearance of Lobo, and given the circumstances, the name will come to mean something! His reputation proceeds him, but he hates goody 2 shoes Superman! Given his need for a reputation to be the baddest, he'll have a hard time if he ever suffers defeat! Bought from boardie Stormshadow_80. Lobo is a loudmouth baddie and keeps his character in the form of trying to one up any bad guy. His stories are over the top, like someone who tries to one up a story. We all know those people, and we are those people from time to time, admittedly. He'll get some more development in Superman stories. Here in Omega Men, he's trying to help the others get what they need quicker and has a bunch of ideas. Still these issues aren't valued moneywise except #3 but are all easy reads. Pretty consistent "good" writing from what I read, I think the "plot" or goal could be more aspiring, yet an easy fun read.
Complete with a back cover pic of the readers: 2nd (#5) and 3rd (#9) cameo and 1st solo (#10) Lobo story! Readers get read beware the flipper of pages as the eyes peruse, and succinctly analyze! From what I have read though, it moves along at a brisk pace, making Lobo have an interesting starting point.
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