Set Description:
Given there are more keys in the original series, we add yet another set to the Teenage Saga of Turtle Power! Keeping it somewhat space oriented, the Usagi comes together nicely to round out the collection. Bless Comics Asylum for the good price! Ending up with Shredder and the Foot Clan, there are many powerful heroes and villains to complete the menagerie. Fun loving rats of discipline, and of course the TMNT who are the ever fun loving Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Continuing the Saga of the first set of Turtles is a fun way to pass the time, when you're not nunchuking or making Pizza! Ah Pizza Pie!
Backdrop of the Manhattan sky and at night, where the foot are skipping and lighting the alley ways by fancy "ninja" like steps. Those who are true ninja know the defense of such a art, but only the one's set in discipline must win to be known as the official ninja masters. Notwithstanding, as a formidable sensi can be found on either side, good or evil, it is for the good that a master of a turtle or way of the warrior that must win! In these first issues the paths are clearly decked out, and either by way of a "Shredder or Splinter!" These Ninja Turtles are of the Teenage Mutant variety and cling to the disciplines of the good and the right to keep on the firing line! A single clench of weapon between them means the two-handed fist of fury in an ongoing blow by blow of fisticuffs. One will fall, and by the end, it will take a collective to live on as the victor.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Second Printing |
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Modern |
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2nd printing! 9.8!! 1st Appearance of April O' Neil and the Mousers! Classic Storyline, and who could be without the gorgeous red head of every 80's boy's dreams. The veritable damsel in distress, Shredder BEWARE!! Ended up with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Countertop Arcade machine, with the classic TMNT Arcade game and also Turtles in time. Seeing and hearing these classics turtle power-ing and voiced awesomely, just brings back so many memories. I'm glad that I got the 1st appearance of April, and that means a lot, now if only I can get a signature series of her done by Campbell that would be the dream. Mousers in the game attach to your arm and you have to shake them off, or they will gnaw right through if you just stand there lol. A Beautiful 9.8 example! They've trained, and now it is time to use it for what it is for, keeping to the golden rule while being "wild and crazy, kids!"
Wraparound Covers in my collection the pictures in the registry stay original to bring in the zest, spice, and all-around flavor that is comic collecting!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 |
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 |
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Eastman and Laird, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3, the immediate volume 1 series! A little larger than a regular comic too. Got this at Keith's comics 25%off sale so for only $143. Celebrating Keith's being able to reopen up after the coronavirus 2020. A great find for me, and I was in the mood for some TURTLE POWER! Loving the old van cover too. There is another variant that has more white or white space, but those can be tricky to find. These oversized and magazine tier books are so much fun to flip through and to read. Eastman and Laird really had a hit on their hands. Laird is somewhat taking it easy, while Eastman is a little more active. They developed the characters and brought life to the screen, and they had a lot of children yelling, "COWABUNGA!" That is the way the pizza pie calls the brothers together, as a battle cry in a party!
Wraparound Covers in my collection the pictures in the registry stay original to bring in the zest, spice, and all-around flavor that is comic collecting!
Grader Notes;
Bottom Spine Small Crunch Breaks Color.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 |
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 Modern |
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Eastman and Laird Story & Art. Wraparound Cover! Nicely done in 9.4 to "wrap" up this beginning of the series. #1 is the last to get, if ever. TMNT is a mainstay of culture and came out when I was young. It inspired us to have morals, be a ninja, and to keep at it for the side of right and good. Confounded Shredder is always trying to stop the good in us all. Kang with BeBop and Rocksteady, don't seem to be doing so well to support values either. Many side characters, such as slash and a guy turned into a fly, make these comics nostalgia. April and Splinter as mentors and guides, fashioned as the far east and a TV news reporter! These green acrobat machines are splitting the divide between good and evil. Then there is Casey Jones, who stands alone much like the Raphael Ninja Turtle! Many will be tried but with their ninjitsu they can overcome the odds! From sewers into adulthood, the mutant ooze is a strong tie that binds the 4 brothers.
Wraparound Covers in my collection the pictures in the registry stay original to bring in the zest, spice, and all-around flavor that is comic collecting!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 Second Printing |
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 Signature |
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Wraparound cover. SIGNED BY KEVIN EASTMAN ON 5/27/22. #4 2nd print, which ended up being the Video Game Cover Art! The long awaited TMNT on consoles was the spark of interest to bring these TURTLES out of the SEWER and into your LIVING ROOM! Yes, it was time spent well: learning the weapons, the never before used interaction and power ups, with a bit of the Turtle VAN for getting around. The ending is when Splinter turns human again, but is that what we wanted? The hard to beat Shredder was a deserving foe, and Krang, and or Bebop and Rocksteady were of no avail yet! The water level was a sore spot for some, but you had a time limit, and I was too busy teaching people where all the explosives were to disarm. That water level was epic!! Frustration is good to learn early on and with the video game took it to another level. Along with action figures and a longing to keep the childhood party going, although Splinter will keep the lid on accidentally going too far. These fun-loving times will become serious Turtles when needed for fighting.
Wraparound Covers in my collection the pictures in the registry stay original to bring in the zest, spice, and all-around flavor that is comic collecting!
Graders Notes;
Light Staple Rust.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 8 |
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 8 Modern |
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Early Cerebus Appearance. I would be tempted to pick up and read this issue for only Cerebus, which is admittedly an early enough appearance to matter! This issue also has the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! In classic Eastman Larid style, no less, we've got some early appearances of those half shellbacks too. Even in early issues, they may have been pretty laid out in plot, but it was moving smoothly and with promise. Bought and given to me by the boardie PunisherPunisherPunisher. Chad is good people. Sometimes it is the close-knit connection of characters that will find us in this hobby. TMNT is fun and a long-time running story that lasts even to this day. Many a fan has played in the ninja form, and we've laughed until we cried. Those Mutants are making a stand against the Shredder and the clan of the FOOT! In Near Mint no less.
Wraparound Covers in my collection the pictures in the registry stay original to bring in the zest, spice, and all-around flavor that is comic collecting!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 47 |
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 47 Modern |
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1st ""Space Usagi"" backup story by Stan Sakai. Guaranteed to leave you coming back for more, this rabbit ninja! Coming soon to a screen near you. Maybe even a VCR would have caught a glimpse of this Ninja in all his serious tactic glory. An oldie but goodie getting the lift in value. Finally! He helps the Turtles eventually, though thought them untrained at first or for the most part. They teach him our universe and to get back to his, he definitely earned his stripes though. The most wielding of any amorphic heroes. He's got it all: the skills, the character, and honor. He might even teach the TMNT a thing or two, but COWABUNGA DUDE! Splinter comes to grips that it is possible to never stop training. Bought off of eBay for $293 shipped, these katana wielders are coming to a comfortable price and degree for upgrading, now my 9.8!
Standing alone beyond the moon's gaze is a frame of warrior spirit that the back cover picture must remain ever vigilant in showing truth, justice, and a ninja rabbit! Nothing to replace or revamp!
Grader Notes Unavailable.
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Donatello, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 1 |
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Donatello, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 1 Modern |
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Donatello Micro! #1 Making a fleshing out of the characters, each Turtle got a #1 issue. They were created to make sure what Eastman and Laird were aiming for as the plot for the Turtles. These issues aren't as easy to find anymore! Given to me by the boardie MustEatBrains, in a boards raffle or contest. Much to the benefit of my collection, was his generosity. Great reads, and wonderful finds any day of the week. Donatello is the intelligent Turtle, able to compile gadgets and keep the TMNT on top of the cutting edge. The cartoons of the 80's and 90's were much attributed to the love of TMNT for me! I believe that TMNT Adventures #3 was the 1st ever comic that I asked my parents to buy and was told "Yes!" We've got hijinks at the grocery store, with moms and dads making the list, a well rounder for any collection. Even if the memory was jogged by the giving of prizes, it gets a well-deserved mention!
Wraparound Covers in my collection are more complete pictures in the registry that can stay original to bring in the zest, spice, and all-around flavor that is comic collecting! Backs as fronts and etc. for the full effect!
Grader Notes:
light bends to cover;
light creasing to cover.
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Michaelangelo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 1 |
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Michaelangelo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 1 Modern |
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Heroes In A Half Shell, Turtle POWER! Given to me by the boardie, musteatbrains, in a Boardie event when I first joined. Raffle or grading contest, it is among the last of which I needed graded, and here we are again at 9.2. I've got to love the generosity. Michelangelo here in a micro-series, it really is great art inside. Complete with the snow of the North, and the can-do attitude of the Turtle party animal. Affectionately known as Mikey in the movies, he gets over on the others and always keeps them in high spirits. Perhaps the inventor of the phrase Cowabunga! He would have got away with it too, if not for that pesky kid Bart Simpson. Just Kidding, we all know Splinter came up with it as a joke! Whomever did it 1st in comics, there will still be party shots for April! Don't wear your shell inside out, as either way these youngsters in a half-shell have rubbed off on Americans back in the 80's 90's, but to say they are rambunctious is the reason why!
Wraparound Covers in my collection the pictures in the registry stay original to bring in the zest, spice, and all-around flavor that is comic collecting!
Grader Notes;
light finger bends on cover.
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Raphael 1 |
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Raphael 1 Modern |
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1st appearance of everyone's favorite grunt, Casey Jones. Back for battle in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles first ever spin-off comic! Oh, Ya! The vigilante of sorts needs to straighten out the city after doing some sit-ups! After exercising and watching the news, Casey decides it is up to HIM! Eventually, he gets some guidance from the Turtles and Splinter, even April. How is the best way to fight crime? It's the FOOT and the clan led by Shredder that is behind most of the crime, and Casey gets his priorities straight. Hockey mask and all, he's brute forcing the foot back to their hideout. Presented well in the 1st couple of films, this sports nut is as wise cracking as the TMNT. He gets some things handed to him, but in most cases can serve it out just as easily. Splinter may even adopt this hack-and-slasher! LOL. Splinter has the wise crackers all around, so he is used to being "Master Splinter" who is a leader as well as "Father!"
A fine standalone back cover that speaks itself of greatness and the honor of bonding to radical "heroes" that make the under-study sidekicks of the world stand up and compete for glory! By the way of Ninjitsu Ninja Pizza!
Grader Notes:
Right Top Front Cover Lite Multiple Stain;
Spine Stress Lines Breaks Color.