CGC Registry

Had Your Booster?

Set Type: Booster Gold (1986)
Last Modified: 3/15/2022
Views: 266

Rank: 18
Score: 2
Leading by: N/A
Points to Higher Rank: 1

Set Description:

Everyone is talking about a Booster, so I decided to pick up the appearance that boosted my collection by adding some needed DC to my collection. Not every Booster is equal, but this one is mine! Supporting a LCS is a pastime of any seasoned collector, and finding those hits can be harder nowadays! Even the Booster was wrestled betwixt other offers. Still the Booster is an energy filled hero, of a good time, and totally worth the extra effort. Bring on the robot assistants of the future!
Booster wasn't a name for speed, but rather for the power, which kind of gave away my feelings for the character. That almost seems the name for an "assistant" and yet Booster Gold "had his own assistant", so that kind of made up for the lack of creativity!

Personal robots galore and thought up by the underground and yet still a government entity. Booster has it easy with some then modern type of technology. It is a bit of retroactive now that Booster gets some power, however it is limited in scope, it served less than purposeful against the likes of Doomsday! In the day-to-day life it does prove efficient though. Somehow usually being a helpmate himself, Booster rather than his robot butler. Life is funny like that sometimes, whether picking up groceries or helping out against the antagonists, we are all just trying to help out and serve. Comics has a lot of loving your neighbor, but the point being, even some of that is limited in power and scope!

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