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Spectacular Spider-Man 1 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 1 Modern |
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Spider on spider action in a new ongoing!
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Spectacular Spider-Man 3 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 3 Modern |
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Enter: Lightmaster!!! Al Milgrom working his magic on this one. Tarantula also crashes the party!
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Spectacular Spider-Man 4 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 4 Modern |
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Spidey battles the Vulture while a redhead hangs in the balance! Cool snow cover by Dave Cockrum! 1st appearance by the Hitman!
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Spectacular Spider-Man 13 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 13 Modern |
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Ladies and gentlemen, meet Buford Hollis - AKA: RAZORBACK! He's on a mission to save his sister from being brainwashed by the cult let by Brother Power and Sister Sun and take her back to Arkansas! Spidey is caught up in the middle, not a good place to be!
I love how this is a ridiculous character complete with a decked-out big rig, but it all works! Buford is a great guy! The MU needs more Razorback!
I've even got this statue of the man himself!
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Spectacular Spider-Man 24 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 24 Modern |
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If you liked Razorback, he's nothing compared to the Hypno-Hustler! How 70's is this guy? Afro, pink guitar, and all the Saturday night furor you can handle!
Rumor has it this guy may actually make it into a movie. I'll believe it when I see it!
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Spectacular Spider-Man 25 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 25 Modern |
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"A Vault of Fear" sounds like a 50's horror comic, but it's the Masked Marauder and his Tri-Man! But we know the major trouble is really brewing, as this is Carrion's first appearance! Gotta love an all purple baddie though! White Tiger shows up too, as he often did in this era.
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Spectacular Spider-Man 28 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 28 Modern |
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Carrrion knows Peter is Spidey - and that's why he wants Peter dead! What is Carrion's secret?!?! Done by Frank Miller too!
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Spectacular Spider-Man 36 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 36 Modern |
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'YES!!! I'm so happy to have this one! My love for Swarm comes from not just because he's a Nazi scientist made of a skeleton and bees, but also from his appearance on Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends from when I was a kid!
I started this set for 1st appearances in Spidey books, but even though Swarm appeared in Champions #14-15 I knew I was going to track these books down. I also have this in my collection:
Custom SWARM Mini Bust!
Really, this may be all you need to know:
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Spectacular Spider-Man 43 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 43 Modern |
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It all started here!
Here's the first appearance of Roderick Kingsley, the man who would become the Hobgoblin! Belladonna also shows up for the first time too.
I'm still hoping for a 9.8 one day, but this OW-WH newsstand copy will do for now. I picked this one up for next to nothing so I'm pretty happy with the results.
I always dig the "shadow" Spidey with the reversed-inks on his costume and this is a pretty cool Byrne cover overall. Tack on the custom label and this is one nice looking book!
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Spectacular Spider-Man 48 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 48 Modern |
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I had this one graded for the 2nd appearance of Roderick Kingsley, who goes on to become the Hobgoblin.
Interesting purple cover on this one - and things aren't looking good for our hero! Check out the interesting sig on the left, Miller and Milgrom worked well together!
This cover isn't the coolest in this era, but any Miller cover is a good thing!
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Spectacular Spider-Man 56 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 56 Modern |
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What a cover! Jack and Spidey meet up for the first time! This one should be a bronze age classic, with the black and white webbed background the colors of the characters just fly off the page! Thank you Frank Miller and Bob Wiacek!
Jack O'Lantern Mini Bust!
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Spectacular Spider-Man 58 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 58 Modern |
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present the Ringer! Would you believe this isn't even his first appearance? He's not such a bad guy, and he's even forced to attack Spidey on behalf of the Beetle who strapped a bomb to him to make him do it! Man, I don't remember the Beetle being such an evil dude!
John Byrne does the cover and art here though, just to polish it up a bit. He did work on a few issues around this time and then doesn't come back until #101.
I love these low-level baddies though! If it's one thing this title is known for, that's it!
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Spectacular Spider-Man 69 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 69 Modern |
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Cloak & Dagger are back in their 2nd appearance along with the Kingpin and Silvermane in one funky cover of PPPSSM! This is very 80's with the graffiti writing on the walls. You don't usually see Spidey using his "Spidey-light" and see him at the same time on a cover but we get the best of both here.
Ed Hannigan and Al Milgrom provide the cover, and Ed did a great job on so many Spidey covers around this time - note the cover sigs in the top left!
Key Comments: Kingpin, Silvermane, Cloak & Dagger appearance.
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Spectacular Spider-Man 72 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 72 Modern |
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I picked this out out to get graded for a few reasons. For one it's a first appearance, albeit a minor one, of Ollie Osnick the "kid Doc Ock." It was a super nice copy so I had complete faith that it had 9.8 all over it!
Lastly this is a better copy of a book I had as a kid and I read it to death! I thought it would be great to have a nice one slabbed, as I have always loved the cover that Ed Hannigan did such a great job on.
I figured a sharp label would really make this, but I didn't see any stain on the top left cover, I still don't! The cover is too busy, but I'll have to take their word for it. Oh well, it's still mine! ;)
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Spectacular Spider-Man 81 |
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Spectacular Spider-Man 81 Modern |
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Cloak & Dagger find out the Punisher is loose and they are out to take him down. Spidey wants the same thing, but they don't really agree on how it should be done. No note of Frank in this issue, which is a shame, but a cool spiral-background featuring most of our cast.
Boomerang also appears here when Frank gets him to help the two bust out of prison, then he double-crosses him! Oh - and where is Frank going? Why, to see the Kingpin of course!
Lots of moving parts here and this is a good chapter in an epic story that Bill Mantlo weaves for another 20 issues.
Oh - Newsstand issue too! :)