CGC Registry

Spider-Man 1st Appearances from the Bronze Age!

Set Type: Spider-Man Bronze Age 1st Appearances Any Variant
Owner: pmpknface
Last Modified: 12/30/2024
Views: 80

Rank: 2
Score: 2070
Leading by: 2012
Points to Higher Rank: 28397

Set Description:

I thought a fun way to collect Spider-Man books would be to track down all of the characters that made their 1st appearances in his books! I've been looking to create this and sets like it in the other eras for some time.

Ideally I'd like to get as high graded books as possible, but with the really money books it'll be tough, so I'll do what I can.

Many in this run may end up coming from my personal collection and not getting 2nd pre-graded books.

This set is interesting because many of the entries come from Marvel Team-Up! This is a great time in Spider-Man books and I hope this shows off some of how fun it is!

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