CGC Registry

Daredevil: Man Without Fear

Set Type: Daredevil: The Man Without Fear
Owner: Akadaredevil
Last Modified: 5/19/2024
Views: 896

Rank: 1
Score: 295
Leading by: 13
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

DAREDEVIL: THE MAN WITHOUT FEAR by Miller and Romita, Jr. is the definitive origin of Daredevil. I absolutely swear by it. While Daredevil's origin has been retold a number of times, this retelling shows what shaped Matt Murdock into the vigilante he is now, in a way that stands apart from any other. It also has appearances by major characters that appear later in the mythos. And this story is by Frank Miller, the man who's written the best DD stories ever, and John Romita, Jr. is one of the best DD artists.

**I recently added TWO signature series books! Issue #1 is signed by writer Frank Miller and Issue #4 is signed by artist John Romita jr.
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