CGC Registry

red underwear

Set Type: Daredevil #1-#310
Owner: bagofleas
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 848

Rank: 77
Score: 2733
Leading by: 4
Points to Higher Rank: 7

Set Description:

Daredevil was ultimately both mine and my father's favorite Marvel character. We spent years putting together as close to a set of this series as we could.

After my father passed away (and before I really knew anything about CGC) I sold the vast majority of our comic collection. It was a difficult decision at the time but over 11,000 comic books take up a boatload of space. Space my mother needed at the time.

Being that I had nowhere to put them, I sold them all but for some duplicates and my entire Daredevil set consisting of issues #4 - #380!!

I have since kicked myself in the butt numerous times over the last 10 years and especially in the last few thinking about the sheer volume of highly gradeable comics I could have been able to send in to CGC.

I have over 120 issues of Daredevil I plan on sending in to CGC.

I will do so here and there as sig opportunities arise.

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