CGC Registry

My girl, Jessica Drew

Set Type: Spider-Woman (1978)
Owner: Hado
Last Modified: 10/16/2014
Views: 1579

Rank: 1
Score: 2245
Leading by: 15
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

It's finally finished thanks to so many great people who helped me complete this goal.

The first book I purchased was #4 from an online site, December 18th 2012 and the final book, #9, arrived from CGC this morning October 16th 2014. So just under 22 months.

I had so much help, and met so many awesome people here completing this set. The inspiration was the insane task Marvelfangirl started with her Wolverine s/s run. Too many people to thank came out of the woodwork and sent links to books and helped with leads. Rich Henn is a true beast when it comes to finding raw books in high grade, he did so much searching and found some true beauties in the wild, newsstands no less, including the one and only #30. Cheetah sold me his registry set and when I used the 8 books he had that I needed to combine the two sets, I was able to make the best looking set possible. With the help of Greggy as well who sold me a junky run of #1-3 that had nicer cuts than the ones I had or whatever.
letsgrumble traded me the second last book which was #34, and the very last book came from 69CamaroZ28. He sent me a raw copy of #9 on his own dime, in hopes of helping me finish the set.

At the risk of sounding Batscat crazy, I now pronounce myself the 'King of the Spiderwomen' !!!
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