CGC Registry

Cap America #100 onwards

Set Type: Captain America #100-#454
Owner: daywolve
Last Modified: 11/1/2021
Views: 434

Rank: 61
Score: 2287
Leading by: 26
Points to Higher Rank: 56
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1286550002 Slot Score Increased* 620 228711/1/2021 11:38:29 AM
1150636027 Slot Score Increased* 734 16675/11/2021 3:43:21 PM
1150636027 Slot Score Increased* 113 9332/4/2020 11:09:15 AM
1286550002 Slot Score Increased* 79 8202/4/2020 11:08:05 AM
1150636027 Added 418 7412/12/2016 11:12:09 AM
1286550002 Added 308 32312/4/2015 11:05:21 AM
1205557013 Added 15 1511/13/2015 8:06:32 PM
Initial Score 0 011/13/2015 8:05:42 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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