CGC Registry

1st Man-Bat

Set Type: Detective Comics #301-#400
Owner: jimmcstunna
Last Modified: 4/5/2021
Views: 392

Rank: 42
Score: 1538
Leading by: 45
Points to Higher Rank: 140
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1293296005 Slot Score Increased* 136 15384/5/2021 4:22:18 PM
1591465002 Slot Score Increased* 81 14021/14/2020 10:44:00 AM
1293296005 Slot Score Increased* 545 13211/14/2020 9:43:21 AM
1591465002 Added 276 7762/13/2018 8:13:17 PM
1325478002 Removed -49 5002/13/2018 8:12:37 PM
1293296005 Slot Score Increased* 387 5491/31/2018 11:58:28 AM
1293296005 Added 113 1625/16/2017 1:07:56 PM
1325478002 Added 49 491/11/2016 7:58:13 PM
Initial Score 0 01/11/2016 7:57:51 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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