CGC Registry

x-men beginning

Set Type: X-Men (1963) 1-201 Any Variant
Owner: trevorlsmith
Last Modified: 3/15/2022
Views: 1038

Rank: 66
Score: 12243
Leading by: 11
Points to Higher Rank: 79
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0000787003 Slot Score Increased* 3000 116033/15/2022 11:46:05 AM
0000787003 Slot Score Increased* 480 86031/22/2018 4:38:41 PM
0018332011 Slot Score Reduced* -96 81239/1/2015 3:05:13 PM
0017898031 Slot Score Reduced* -96 82199/1/2015 3:05:08 PM
0040292002 Slot Score Reduced* -60 83159/1/2015 3:05:07 PM
0607882027 Slot Score Reduced* -80 83759/1/2015 3:05:07 PM
0074765014 Slot Score Reduced* -120 84559/1/2015 3:05:05 PM
0040292003 Slot Score Reduced* -60 85759/1/2015 3:04:51 PM
0046108005 Slot Score Reduced* -80 86359/1/2015 3:04:50 PM
0073395010 Slot Score Reduced* -80 87159/1/2015 3:04:50 PM
0115143005 Slot Score Reduced* -152 87959/1/2015 3:03:11 PM
0121576010 Slot Score Reduced* -168 89479/1/2015 3:03:07 PM
0028248003 Slot Score Reduced* -225 91159/1/2015 3:01:36 PM
0017898031 Removed -640 93401/28/2014 12:11:54 PM
Initial Score 9980 99804/13/2011 12:35:18 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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