CGC Registry

The Hammer

Set Type: Thor (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: jcouladin95
Last Modified: 7/26/2023
Views: 738

Rank: 52
Score: 3573
Leading by: 43
Points to Higher Rank: 25
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0911772016 Removed -25 35737/26/2023 5:30:46 AM
0011709001 Slot Score Increased* 130 35984/26/2023 3:07:21 PM
0804416003 Slot Score Increased* 250 34684/26/2023 3:02:32 PM
0912388013 Removed -40 32188/12/2021 5:32:33 AM
0912255013 Slot Score Increased* 47 32585/15/2021 2:21:20 PM
0940935005 Slot Score Increased* 108 32113/31/2021 3:02:04 PM
0969679026 Slot Score Increased* 200 31033/31/2021 2:59:41 PM
0969679026 Slot Score Increased* 365 290310/9/2020 1:14:55 PM
0098556020 Slot Score Reduced* -83 25386/5/2019 3:00:33 PM
0907578001 Slot Score Increased* 8 26214/11/2019 4:18:25 PM
0098556020 Slot Score Increased* 83 26132/18/2019 12:12:34 PM
0783170017 Removed -25 253012/20/2018 8:12:30 AM
0911774019 Removed -25 25551/12/2018 9:07:38 AM
0911773005 Removed -25 25801/8/2018 9:22:17 AM
0911774010 Removed -25 260512/26/2017 10:18:32 AM
Initial Score 2630 263011/23/2009 11:07:06 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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