CGC Registry

Best Superhero title EVER!!

Set Type: Invincible (2003) All Variants
Owner: Colin Stapczynski
Last Modified: 10/23/2023
Views: 1752

Rank: 7
Score: 2375
Leading by: 1590
Points to Higher Rank: 459
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0149842016 Removed -80 237510/23/2023 4:31:14 PM
0118023006 Removed -40 245510/23/2023 4:30:34 PM
0969927006 Removed -120 249510/23/2023 4:30:25 PM
0944557006 Removed -120 261510/23/2023 4:30:16 PM
0957582007 Slot Score Increased* 75 273512/3/2019 5:07:12 PM
0938699009 Slot Score Increased* 75 266012/3/2019 5:03:05 PM
0941848004 Slot Score Reduced* -1 25853/9/2017 6:10:53 PM
0161096012 Removed -32 258611/17/2015 9:16:27 AM
0161096014 Removed -32 261811/17/2015 9:14:23 AM
0941848004 Slot Score Increased* 25 26508/31/2011 5:30:50 PM
Initial Score 2625 26254/12/2011 5:11:42 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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