CGC Registry

Len's Incredible Hulk Comics

Set Type: Incredible Hulk (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: lamd072091
Last Modified: 8/27/2024
Views: 127

Rank: 67
Score: 1817
Leading by: 10
Points to Higher Rank: 78
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
3884830015 Removed -25 18178/27/2024 9:49:21 AM
4083257019 Removed -20 184211/7/2023 9:52:08 AM
3884830015 Added 25 18621/19/2023 11:28:34 PM
4096809003 Added 3 18371/19/2023 11:27:56 PM
4130847002 Added 1792 18341/19/2023 11:25:34 PM
4083257019 Added 20 4210/3/2022 9:23:02 AM
4089264001 Added 22 229/16/2022 10:04:51 AM
3957668008 Removed -20 09/16/2022 10:04:50 AM
3957668008 Added 20 204/17/2022 10:34:44 AM
Initial Score 0 04/17/2022 10:34:19 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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