CGC Registry

Star Wars The High Republic KPL

Set Type: Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) All Variants
Owner: kpl69
Last Modified: 5/25/2022
Views: 142

Rank: 7
Score: 264
Leading by: 8
Points to Higher Rank: 17
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
3944719009 Added 32 2645/25/2022 8:38:10 AM
3974194007 Added 20 2325/25/2022 8:37:25 AM
3830943004 Added 32 2125/25/2022 8:35:17 AM
3830943005 Removed -32 1805/25/2022 8:35:16 AM
3830944001 Added 32 2125/25/2022 8:34:23 AM
3830943005 Added 32 1805/25/2022 8:34:23 AM
3945180024 Added 32 1485/25/2022 8:32:32 AM
3804055015 Added 32 1165/25/2022 8:30:58 AM
3968197022 Added 32 845/25/2022 8:29:59 AM
3820747002 Added 32 525/25/2022 8:28:37 AM
4010683022 Added 20 205/25/2022 8:27:39 AM
Initial Score 0 05/25/2022 8:25:53 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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