CGC Registry

Fantastic Masterpieces 12-20

Set Type: Fantasy Masterpieces & Marvel Super-Heroes #1-#31
Owner: Nostalgic Attic
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 1165

Rank: 3
Score: 17135
Leading by: 5174
Points to Higher Rank: 8925
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0746393011 Slot Score Increased* 700 171354/25/2023 5:21:50 PM
0746393009 Slot Score Increased* 950 164354/25/2023 5:21:05 PM
0746393008 Slot Score Increased* 90 154854/25/2023 5:20:23 PM
0037563001 Slot Score Increased* 2800 153954/25/2023 5:18:50 PM
0746393009 Slot Score Increased* 355 1259511/1/2021 1:29:19 PM
0746393011 Slot Score Increased* 730 122405/11/2021 5:03:13 PM
0746393011 Slot Score Increased* 305 115102/4/2020 11:33:33 AM
0746393009 Slot Score Reduced* -30 112052/4/2020 11:32:18 AM
0746393009 Slot Score Increased* 345 112352/4/2020 11:32:12 AM
0098537001 Slot Score Increased* 1020 108905/4/2018 11:46:33 AM
0037563001 Slot Score Increased* 3270 98701/22/2018 5:35:01 PM
0746393008 Slot Score Increased* 40 66003/9/2017 6:26:54 PM
0746393011 Slot Score Increased* 45 65603/9/2017 6:25:25 PM
0037563001 Slot Score Increased* 70 65153/9/2017 6:23:58 PM
0746393009 Slot Score Increased* 40 64453/9/2017 6:20:18 PM
0093661020 Slot Score Increased* 120 64053/9/2017 6:18:12 PM
0746393010 Slot Score Increased* 45 62853/9/2017 6:11:37 PM
0098537001 Slot Score Increased* 60 62403/9/2017 6:09:27 PM
0093661021 Slot Score Increased* 4025 618011/20/2014 12:07:24 PM
0093661021 Added 475 21553/19/2013 9:14:31 AM
0093661021 Slot Score Reduced* -350 16803/19/2013 9:12:19 AM
Initial Score 2030 20303/26/2007 3:59:56 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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