CGC Registry

Make Mine Mar-Vell

Set Type: Captain Marvel (1968)
Owner: The Syndicate
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 998

Rank: 11
Score: 8230
Leading by: 1811
Points to Higher Rank: 467
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1104991004 Slot Score Increased* 100 82304/25/2023 3:18:13 PM
2036796006 Added 960 813012/5/2022 2:41:54 PM
1027504012 Removed -600 717012/5/2022 2:41:53 PM
0127598003 Slot Score Increased* 75 77705/11/2021 3:54:39 PM
0939006007 Slot Score Increased* 160 76952/18/2019 1:30:30 PM
0115352004 Slot Score Increased* 120 75352/18/2019 1:30:11 PM
0604461006 Slot Score Increased* 360 74152/18/2019 1:29:14 PM
0157557011 Slot Score Increased* 360 70552/18/2019 1:28:45 PM
0096859012 Slot Score Increased* 800 66952/18/2019 1:26:17 PM
0059291014 Slot Score Increased* 360 58952/18/2019 12:23:17 PM
0905421015 Slot Score Increased* 650 55352/18/2019 12:22:30 PM
1027504012 Slot Score Increased* 450 48852/18/2019 12:21:38 PM
0160480001 Slot Score Increased* 1000 44352/18/2019 12:20:04 PM
0115352004 Slot Score Increased* 840 34351/29/2018 1:14:57 PM
0604461006 Slot Score Reduced* -152 25953/9/2017 6:28:23 PM
0905421015 Slot Score Reduced* -165 27473/9/2017 6:25:07 PM
0115352004 Slot Score Reduced* -184 29123/9/2017 6:23:38 PM
0059291014 Slot Score Reduced* -120 30963/9/2017 6:19:39 PM
0096859012 Slot Score Reduced* -216 32163/9/2017 6:08:22 PM
1262086002 Slot Score Reduced* -152 34323/9/2017 6:07:20 PM
0160480001 Slot Score Reduced* -216 35843/9/2017 6:05:06 PM
1027504012 Slot Score Reduced* -165 38003/9/2017 6:00:53 PM
0157557011 Slot Score Reduced* -120 39653/9/2017 6:00:35 PM
1262086002 Added 352 408511/19/2016 8:31:19 PM
0059766009 Removed -220 373311/19/2016 8:31:19 PM
1104991004 Added 150 39536/28/2016 7:06:26 PM
0059291014 Slot Score Increased* 120 38039/1/2015 4:02:23 PM
0604461006 Slot Score Increased* 152 36839/1/2015 4:02:23 PM
0160480001 Slot Score Increased* 216 35319/1/2015 4:02:23 PM
0905421015 Slot Score Increased* 165 33159/1/2015 4:02:23 PM
0939006007 Slot Score Increased* 120 31509/1/2015 4:02:23 PM
0157557011 Slot Score Increased* 120 30309/1/2015 4:02:23 PM
1027504012 Slot Score Increased* 165 29109/1/2015 4:02:23 PM
0115352004 Slot Score Increased* 184 27459/1/2015 4:02:23 PM
0096859012 Slot Score Increased* 216 25619/1/2015 4:02:23 PM
0059766009 Slot Score Increased* 100 23459/1/2015 4:02:23 PM
0052015019 Added 75 22458/5/2015 8:59:39 PM
0626549012 Removed -45 21708/5/2015 8:59:00 PM
1027504012 Added 150 22157/14/2015 8:02:17 PM
0780202016 Removed -150 20657/14/2015 8:02:16 PM
0127598003 Added 45 22157/14/2015 8:00:08 PM
1308455012 Added 75 21707/8/2015 12:03:53 AM
0115352004 Added 240 209512/31/2014 2:34:21 PM
0132958012 Removed -150 185512/31/2014 2:34:21 PM
Initial Score 2005 20053/4/2010 6:20:35 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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