CGC Registry

HiTMAN's X-Factor Set

Set Type: X-Factor (1986) All Variants
Owner: HiTMAN1099
Last Modified: 1/22/2018
Views: 658

Rank: 50
Score: 931
Leading by: 1
Points to Higher Rank: 20
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0046291016 Slot Score Increased* 325 9311/22/2018 4:26:30 PM
0717407020 Slot Score Increased* 221 6061/22/2018 4:25:01 PM
0799206032 Removed -65 3859/8/2015 9:20:19 AM
0901527005 Removed -35 4505/2/2014 3:44:48 PM
0155086021 Removed -25 4856/13/2013 9:56:00 PM
0937097029 Removed -25 5105/12/2013 8:44:46 AM
0073367007 Removed -25 5355/12/2013 8:42:00 AM
0155086018 Removed -25 56010/24/2012 2:48:54 PM
0790011017 Removed -25 58510/24/2012 2:46:57 PM
0075416008 Removed -30 61010/24/2012 2:45:59 PM
0073367006 Removed -25 64010/24/2012 2:45:28 PM
0155086022 Removed -25 66510/24/2012 2:44:12 PM
0905399014 Removed -25 69010/24/2012 2:43:48 PM
0937074027 Removed -25 71510/24/2012 2:43:14 PM
Initial Score 740 7403/12/2011 7:57:14 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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