CGC Registry

The Riddle of Iron

Set Type: Conan the Barbarian #1-#24
Owner: robz
Last Modified: 10/6/2021
Views: 992

Rank: 54
Score: 4389
Leading by: 36
Points to Higher Rank: 117
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0015782006 Slot Score Increased* 198 438910/6/2021 11:50:42 AM
0016841005 Removed -345 41919/12/2017 10:53:38 AM
0098541011 Removed -500 36311/28/2014 9:09:31 AM
0015271008 Removed -405 41311/28/2014 9:09:31 AM
0016841005 Slot Score Increased* 15 45368/27/2012 1:04:13 PM
0007902011 Slot Score Reduced* -22 45218/27/2012 1:04:12 PM
0006449005 Slot Score Increased* 5 45438/27/2012 1:04:12 PM
0015271011 Slot Score Increased* 15 45388/27/2012 1:04:12 PM
0015271012 Slot Score Increased* 8 45238/27/2012 1:04:11 PM
0015782006 Slot Score Increased* 126 45158/27/2012 1:04:10 PM
0748821019 Slot Score Reduced* -45 43898/27/2012 1:04:10 PM
0015271010 Slot Score Increased* 8 44348/27/2012 1:04:10 PM
0015271008 Slot Score Increased* 30 44268/27/2012 1:04:09 PM
0060217005 Slot Score Increased* 50 43968/27/2012 1:04:07 PM
0060217008 Slot Score Increased* 25 43468/27/2012 1:04:06 PM
0098541011 Slot Score Increased* 25 43218/27/2012 1:04:06 PM
Initial Score 4296 429612/15/2010 4:31:17 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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