CGC Registry

Captain America SS Set 9.8

Set Type: Captain America (2005) All Variants
Owner: Trey Cannon1
Last Modified: 5/11/2018
Views: 757

Rank: 12
Score: 306
Leading by: 82
Points to Higher Rank: 5
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0780047002 Slot Score Reduced* -8 3065/11/2018 2:11:20 PM
1025248001 Slot Score Reduced* -1 3143/9/2017 6:16:14 PM
1009434001 Slot Score Reduced* -1 3153/9/2017 6:13:58 PM
1009434004 Slot Score Reduced* -1 3163/9/2017 6:02:15 PM
0790547023 Removed -26 3179/26/2014 2:22:00 PM
0790512018 Removed -26 3439/26/2014 2:22:00 PM
0780047002 Added 48 3691/2/2012 4:46:39 PM
0932080002 Added 44 3218/27/2011 10:25:18 PM
Initial Score 277 27712/24/2010 12:19:08 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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