CGC Registry

Spider-Man - Various HG

Set Type: Spider-Man (1990) All Variants
Owner: Eggman
Last Modified: 4/26/2021
Views: 675

Rank: 43
Score: 935
Leading by: 40
Points to Higher Rank: 1
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1017542012 Removed -100 9354/26/2021 12:28:28 PM
0763781015 Slot Score Increased* 25 103510/12/2020 5:23:08 PM
0763781015 Slot Score Increased* 325 101010/12/2020 5:23:04 PM
0972603021 Slot Score Increased* 56 68510/12/2020 5:21:15 PM
0144005026 Slot Score Increased* 14 62910/12/2020 5:20:16 PM
Initial Score 615 6153/24/2011 8:16:54 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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