CGC Registry

Granny's Goodness

Set Type: Kirby Fourth World
Owner: Rosland
Last Modified: 7/31/2024
Views: 833

Rank: 5
Score: 4880
Leading by: 5
Points to Higher Rank: 795
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
2010299002 Added 375 48807/29/2024 2:23:30 AM
4313063018 Added 375 450511/19/2023 11:37:00 PM
4168115002 Added 450 41305/27/2023 2:20:58 PM
4077568006 Added 300 36802/21/2023 2:22:28 PM
4077568002 Added 440 33802/21/2023 2:22:27 PM
4077568001 Added 440 29402/21/2023 2:22:27 PM
0037766017 Slot Score Increased* 250 25001/22/2019 11:50:44 AM
1212552001 Slot Score Increased* 950 22501/22/2018 5:19:48 PM
1212552001 Added 550 130011/28/2016 9:04:39 PM
0066015010 Removed -325 7503/12/2012 4:13:26 PM
Initial Score 1075 107512/8/2010 10:51:37 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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