CGC Registry


Set Type: Four Color (Gold/Silver Age)
Owner: deweys
Last Modified: 6/15/2023
Views: 712

Rank: 20
Score: 3094
Leading by: 516
Points to Higher Rank: 166
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0910619008 Removed -280 30946/15/2023 5:30:46 AM
0029105008 Removed -340 33746/15/2023 5:30:45 AM
0145754002 Removed -690 37146/13/2023 5:31:12 AM
0158193008 Removed -85 44046/12/2023 5:31:16 AM
0165101007 Removed -95 44896/12/2023 5:31:13 AM
0061284012 Removed -220 45843/21/2018 8:59:08 AM
0154075009 Removed -130 480412/19/2017 9:03:47 AM
0911021018 Removed -450 493412/6/2017 11:08:16 AM
0123680004 Slot Score Increased* 10 53843/9/2017 6:29:22 PM
0625797018 Slot Score Increased* 5 53743/9/2017 6:04:19 PM
0080002010 Slot Score Increased* 9 53695/29/2013 9:29:44 AM
Initial Score 5360 53601/10/2011 7:27:15 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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