CGC Registry

My Spidey's

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: Ducky 1560
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 557

Rank: 233
Score: 7416
Leading by: 42
Points to Higher Rank: 74
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0177357006 Slot Score Increased* 84 74164/25/2023 1:53:06 PM
0177356001 Slot Score Increased* 1614 73322/23/2022 10:09:39 AM
0100586002 Slot Score Reduced* -500 57182/15/2022 10:24:44 AM
0100586002 Slot Score Increased* 1212 62182/15/2022 10:13:15 AM
0140867007 Slot Score Increased* 800 50065/15/2021 12:42:34 PM
0629566002 Slot Score Increased* 320 42065/12/2021 1:02:58 PM
0140867007 Slot Score Increased* 225 388610/9/2020 12:48:13 PM
0100586002 Slot Score Increased* 188 36612/18/2019 1:05:44 PM
0100586002 Slot Score Increased* 100 34732/12/2018 12:08:07 PM
0629566002 Slot Score Increased* 520 33731/22/2018 3:55:10 PM
0140777003 Removed -224 285310/14/2012 9:09:31 PM
0100585003 Removed -60 30778/26/2012 8:07:43 PM
0771605003 Added 100 31372/6/2012 9:50:34 PM
0629566002 Added 160 30371/24/2012 2:01:00 PM
0629566002 Slot Score Reduced* -144 28771/24/2012 1:59:19 PM
0177356001 Slot Score Increased* 134 302111/28/2011 3:34:26 PM
0127726001 Slot Score Increased* 134 288711/28/2011 3:34:22 PM
0177357006 Added 140 27536/22/2011 4:20:57 PM
Initial Score 2613 26134/21/2011 5:57:27 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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