CGC Registry


Set Type: Sub-Mariner (1968)
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 609

Rank: 43
Score: 2823
Leading by: 5
Points to Higher Rank: 76
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0138295002 Slot Score Increased* 45 28234/25/2023 5:29:46 PM
0114794001 Slot Score Increased* 103 27782/15/2022 4:32:30 PM
0045180006 Slot Score Increased* 200 267511/1/2021 1:48:59 PM
0045180006 Slot Score Increased* 600 24754/5/2021 4:41:19 PM
0938938003 Removed -200 18755/6/2020 5:31:23 AM
0068232026 Removed -1280 207510/14/2016 2:03:40 PM
0907316005 Removed -375 335512/17/2012 3:34:52 PM
0901693015 Added 150 37304/29/2012 12:36:11 PM
0749463002 Added 150 35804/29/2012 12:36:10 PM
0938938003 Added 200 34304/29/2012 12:36:10 PM
0045180006 Added 600 32304/29/2012 12:36:09 PM
0008241011 Removed -2000 263010/16/2011 5:03:56 PM
Initial Score 4630 46302/10/2011 4:49:19 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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