CGC Registry

Amazing Spiderman 1-100

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1-100
Owner: mooks005
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 816

Rank: 152
Score: 16898
Leading by: 7
Points to Higher Rank: 116
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0099922001 Slot Score Increased* 4000 168984/25/2023 1:52:08 PM
0029260001 Slot Score Increased* 18 128984/3/2023 4:44:12 PM
0099922001 Slot Score Increased* 2400 1288011/1/2021 10:44:56 AM
0749999001 Slot Score Reduced* -525 1048011/1/2021 10:00:45 AM
0615305002 Slot Score Increased* 42 110055/11/2021 2:54:19 PM
0117408011 Slot Score Increased* 94 109631/13/2020 5:18:39 PM
0615305002 Slot Score Increased* 256 108696/15/2018 9:16:25 AM
0117408011 Slot Score Increased* 375 106136/15/2018 9:13:30 AM
0029260001 Slot Score Increased* 2 102382/12/2018 1:13:24 PM
0029260001 Slot Score Increased* 43 102362/12/2018 1:13:11 PM
0749999001 Slot Score Increased* 588 101933/9/2017 6:22:28 PM
0615305002 Slot Score Reduced* -268 960511/28/2011 3:34:26 PM
0091129005 Slot Score Increased* 25 987311/28/2011 3:34:26 PM
0099922001 Slot Score Increased* 800 984811/28/2011 3:34:26 PM
0754677002 Slot Score Increased* 600 904811/28/2011 3:34:25 PM
0106973006 Slot Score Increased* 120 844811/28/2011 3:34:25 PM
0105258006 Slot Score Increased* 100 832811/28/2011 3:34:24 PM
0749999001 Slot Score Increased* 55 822811/28/2011 3:34:23 PM
Initial Score 8173 817312/23/2010 9:36:32 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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