CGC Registry

Spinning them Oldies

Set Type: Marvel Golden Record Reprints
Owner: midnightbomber what bombs at midnight
Last Modified: 3/13/2023
Views: 747

Rank: 3
Score: 5160
Leading by: 144
Points to Higher Rank: 840
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0086652002 Slot Score Increased* 60 51603/13/2023 3:32:30 PM
0628641004 Slot Score Increased* 705 51006/14/2021 1:21:50 PM
0036655005 Slot Score Increased* 510 43952/27/2018 10:27:28 AM
1162408002 Slot Score Increased* 1080 38854/4/2017 11:53:10 AM
0036655005 Added 750 28057/1/2014 9:11:15 AM
0036655005 Removed -750 20557/1/2014 9:10:46 AM
1162408002 Added 720 28057/1/2014 7:13:01 AM
0067793022 Removed -360 20857/1/2014 7:13:01 AM
0036655005 Added 750 24453/11/2012 8:40:13 PM
0086652002 Added 840 16953/11/2012 8:40:12 PM
0628641004 Added 495 8553/11/2012 8:40:10 PM
0067793022 Added 360 3603/11/2012 8:40:09 PM
Initial Score 0 03/11/2012 8:38:36 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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