CGC Registry

X-MEN 9.4

Set Type: X-Men (1963) 94-143 All Variants
Owner: Comiczilla2020
Last Modified: 5/15/2021
Views: 328

Rank: 37
Score: 10564
Leading by: 977
Points to Higher Rank: 295
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1147855005 Slot Score Increased* 5418 105645/15/2021 12:28:20 PM
1117336007 Slot Score Reduced* -620 51461/21/2020 9:53:18 AM
1117336007 Slot Score Increased* 1190 57661/14/2020 10:05:38 AM
0020120003 Removed -546 457611/30/2015 10:01:12 AM
1144910003 Slot Score Reduced* -20 51229/1/2015 3:04:47 PM
1117336007 Slot Score Reduced* -45 51429/1/2015 3:03:05 PM
1147855005 Slot Score Reduced* -743 51879/1/2015 3:03:01 PM
1117336007 Added 302 593012/10/2012 12:05:07 AM
0020120003 Added 546 562812/2/2012 12:52:57 AM
1144910003 Added 132 508211/30/2012 11:31:18 PM
1147855005 Added 4950 495011/30/2012 11:31:18 PM
Initial Score 0 011/30/2012 11:30:45 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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