CGC Registry

My DD set

Set Type: Daredevil #1-#157
Owner: osborn_fr
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 1342

Rank: 35
Score: 14024
Leading by: 763
Points to Higher Rank: 229
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0052817016 Slot Score Increased* 245 140244/26/2023 1:50:32 PM
0115620005 Slot Score Increased* 35 137794/25/2023 3:22:35 PM
0070874001 Slot Score Increased* 233 137444/25/2023 3:21:35 PM
0154174002 Slot Score Increased* 373 135114/25/2023 3:20:24 PM
0107920015 Slot Score Increased* 292 131384/25/2023 3:19:42 PM
0067548001 Slot Score Increased* 297 128462/15/2022 1:05:51 PM
0633687002 Slot Score Increased* 1093 125495/24/2021 2:11:50 PM
0633687002 Slot Score Increased* 94 114561/14/2020 2:31:40 PM
0633687002 Slot Score Increased* 480 113622/18/2019 12:45:44 PM
0102502027 Slot Score Increased* 15 108821/22/2019 12:08:02 PM
0151738005 Slot Score Increased* 93 108679/10/2018 3:17:27 PM
0151738005 Slot Score Increased* 30 107746/12/2018 4:41:46 PM
0633687002 Slot Score Reduced* -360 107442/27/2018 11:34:08 AM
0038955002 Slot Score Increased* 15 111041/29/2018 1:24:59 PM
0151738005 Slot Score Reduced* -75 110891/29/2018 1:17:20 PM
0633687002 Slot Score Increased* 300 111641/22/2018 4:56:17 PM
0151738005 Slot Score Reduced* -95 108648/28/2015 4:54:23 PM
0106731001 Removed -21 1095910/28/2011 8:59:38 AM
Initial Score 11180 1118012/22/2010 3:10:03 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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