CGC Registry

Earlyish Caps

Set Type: Captain America Comics (Timely)
Owner: quicksilver
Last Modified: 2/15/2022
Views: 454

Rank: 12
Score: 24988
Leading by: 3988
Points to Higher Rank: 3512
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
2049594001 Slot Score Increased* 912 249882/15/2022 8:15:20 AM
0143508001 Added 1884 2407612/4/2019 4:09:06 AM
2049594001 Added 528 2219211/26/2019 3:29:26 AM
2083042001 Added 21294 2166411/9/2019 9:59:55 AM
2081177006 Added 370 37011/6/2019 3:22:27 AM
0916711005 Removed -37 05/10/2019 7:32:30 AM
0224408005 Removed -100 375/10/2019 7:32:30 AM
0224323012 Removed -180 1375/10/2019 7:32:30 AM
1106884004 Removed -90 3175/10/2019 7:32:30 AM
1290320001 Removed -137 4075/10/2019 7:32:26 AM
1198686003 Removed -170 5445/10/2019 7:32:26 AM
1106888011 Removed -370 7145/10/2019 7:32:26 AM
0749609001 Removed -370 10845/10/2019 7:32:26 AM
0916711005 Added 37 14543/17/2017 12:41:33 PM
1290320001 Added 137 14173/17/2017 12:40:12 PM
1198686003 Added 170 12803/17/2017 12:40:11 PM
0749609001 Added 370 11103/17/2017 12:38:21 PM
1106888011 Slot Score Increased* 55 7403/9/2017 6:09:50 PM
0224408005 Added 100 6855/10/2014 9:57:18 AM
0224323012 Added 180 5855/10/2014 9:57:18 AM
1106884004 Added 90 4055/10/2014 9:57:17 AM
1106888011 Added 315 3157/23/2013 3:33:47 PM
Initial Score 0 07/23/2013 6:02:17 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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