CGC Registry

Valiant Variants (Extras 2)

Set Type: Valiant Variants (Specialized)
Owner: Ricomortis
Last Modified: 5/21/2019
Views: 605

Rank: 19
Score: 1880
Leading by: 106
Points to Higher Rank: 159
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0139478001 Slot Score Increased* 80 18805/21/2019 10:46:53 AM
0787606022 Added 150 18001/6/2019 9:29:06 PM
0787606022 Removed -150 16501/6/2019 9:29:06 PM
0787606022 Added 150 18001/6/2019 9:28:53 PM
0139478001 Slot Score Increased* 80 16507/18/2018 1:31:30 PM
0139478001 Added 160 15707/17/2018 11:06:41 PM
0145817009 Removed -35 14106/28/2018 1:18:44 PM
1027023001 Slot Score Reduced* -30 14455/11/2018 5:01:04 PM
1027023001 Added 630 14757/2/2015 10:04:40 AM
0128573021 Removed -180 8457/2/2015 10:04:40 AM
Initial Score 1025 10251/19/2011 1:58:50 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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