CGC Registry

Set: Little Sad Sack

Set Type Name Registered Sets
Little Sad Sack 3

Registered Sets for Little Sad Sack

RankOwnerSet TypeSet NameScore%Image CountDesc CountLast ModifiedScore Change

comic_best_category Set Type
comic_best_category Set Type
comic_best_category Set Type
comic_best_category Set Type
comic_best_category Set Type
comic_best_category Set Type
comic_best_category Set Type
comic_best_category Set Type
comic_best_category Set Type
HarveyfanaticLittle Sad SackHarveyfanatic's Little Sad Sack(1964)224047%996/26/2019 0

Ozark ComicsLittle Sad SackLittle Sad Sack156836%778/9/2024 350

eyersmanLittle Sad SackUnnamed set - 14240875%0011/19/2020 7
All Comics/Scores in Little Sad Sack

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