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Signature Set Gallery: ddr70s First through 10th Nationals

Signature Set Details:

US $2 OriginalUS $5 1882 Brown Back
CertNum 1089433-005 Front
CertNum 1089433-005 Back
CertNum 1619835-009 Front
CertNum 1619835-009 Back
Owner's Description:
Orwell, VT The First NB Ch. # 228 PMG 12 $2 Original Fr. 387 Colby | Spinner SN 2117/209408 pp A dated January 2d, 1865. Mount Independence, elevation 306 feet (93 m), is located in northwest Orwell, overlooking Lake Champlain and the town of Ticonderoga, NY. Orwell, a town in Addison County, VT, is known as the Fortress of America and the town motto is "First in Revolution, First in Recreation".
Owner's Description:
New Haven, CT The Second NB Ch. # 227 Fr. 466 Bruce | Gilfillan $5 1882 BB Fr. 466 PMG 25 SN 32413/M544623 pp D
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US $1 OriginalUS $5 1882 Brown Back
CertNum 8062357-003 Front
CertNum 8062357-003 Back
CertNum 5012946-005 Front
CertNum 5012946-005 Back
Owner's Description:
Saint Louis, MO The Third NB Ch. # 170 PMG 12 $1 Fr. 380a SN 26862/C157187 pp B/no back plate Jany. 2nd, 1865 Radar On Holder! 9 aces and 3 deuces in T&P. While hardly a rare bank, any St. Louis First Charter has to be regarded as quite scarce; one with a radar SN qualifies as especially scarce.
Owner's Description:
Louisville, KY The Third NB Ch. # 2171 PMG 10 $5 1882 BB Fr. 474 SN 2207/Z112600 pp D/? Aug. 7, 1894 This is only the third $5 Brown Back to be reported on this better Louisville bank that closed its doors in 1910. Very Good, with some edge and internal splits.
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US $10 1902 Date BackUS $5 1902 Plain Back
CertNum 8062358-009 Front
CertNum 8062358-009 Back
CertNum 8050391-007 Front
CertNum 8050391-007 Back
Owner's Description:
Philadelphia, PA The Ninth NB Ch. # (E)3371 PMG 20 $10 1902 DB Fr. 617 SN 13248/A454698B pp D/276. August 1, 1905 Only New York and Philadelphia got up to the Ninth NB (each made it to Tenth NB). Philly's Ninth liquidated 10/1/23.
Owner's Description:
Philadelphia, PA The Tenth NB Ch. # 3423 $5 1902 PB Fr. 599 PMG 25 SN 42424/M801335H pp H/1112 Radar Bank SN
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US $5 1902 Date BackUS $10
CertNum 8001956-002 Front
CertNum 8001956-002 Back
CertNum 1105124-078 Front
CertNum 1105124-078 Back
Owner's Description:
Cincinnati, OH Fifth-Third National Bank Ch. #2798 Fr. 592 PMG 12 Net. Rust stains on back. Radar bank serial number 18581 / A424199 pp D/11
Owner's Description:
Nashville, TN The Fourth & First NB Ch. # 1669 $10 1902 PB Fr. 628 PMG 12 Net SN 206842 pp O/161
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US $5 1902 Plain BackUS $5 1902 Date Back
CertNum 5012694-014 Front
CertNum 5012694-014 Back
CertNum 8040473-042 Front
CertNum 8040473-042 Back
Owner's Description:
Lexington, KY The Phoenix & Third NB Ch. # (S)3052 $5 1902 PB Fr. 601 PMG 45EPQ SN 74277/D183298D pp G/497. This is the 2d title of 3 which started out as The Third NB in 1883 adding the Phoenix to its title after Ch. 3942's liquidation in 1911.
Owner's Description:
Lexington, KY First and City NB CH. # (S)906 $5 1902 DB Fr. 596 Napier | Burke PMG 20 SN 9115/A30232 pp B/296
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